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A HISTORY OF LANCASHIRE of scutage on his fees in the first five scutages of John's reign/ In 1202 the castle of Tillieres was delivered into his custody by the king,' but in De- cember, 1205, he incurred the royal displeasure in connexion with the imprisonment of a certain Wenhunwen by the earl of Chester, whereupon his castle of Hornby and all his lands were seized, but within three months restored, the archbishop of Canterbury and the constable of Chester being sureties for his future fidelity to the king ^ and himself finding hostages, viz., Gilbert son of Gilbert de Notton, and Warin son of Ralph de Mare.* In August, 1208, he was with the king at Kirkby Kendal.^ The following particulars of the fees belonging to this barony are taken from the great inquest of service made at Midsummer, 1 2 1 2,' supplemented by the inquest of the Gascon scutage made in 1242-3. It will be noted that whilst the barony was held of the honour of Lancaster by the service of eight knights, the total service due to Henry de Monewden in 1242-3 amounted to over eleven knights' fees. IN CO. LANCASTER Hornby Castle cum mem- bris In demesne . Farleton and Cantsfield. . ^ knight's fee (^ fee in 1242-3). . Wennington ^ knight . . Farleton -ji^ knight . Tottington and Holcome . In demesne . Bury with the hamlets . . i knight . Middleton with the hamlets i knight . . ChaddertonwithFoxdenton ^ knight . Croston cum membris . . i knight . . I2I2 Roger de Montbegon Hugh de Morewich. Elias de Wennington Elias de Wennington Roger de Montbegon Adam de Bury . Roger de Middleton Gilbert de Notton . John Malherbe . . 124Z-3 Hubert de Burgh, holding of Henry de Monewden Hugh de Morewich Adam de Wennington Henry de Monewden Adam de Bury Roger son of Robert Middleton Gilbert de Barton John de la Mare de IN CO. LINCOLN Fleet (6 car.) 8 .... § knight Sutton (9 car. 6 bov.) " . Tydd Gote^" (2 car. 2 bov.) ^ knight Howsham^^ J knight Nettleton ^^ ' Clixby y ^ knight Holton le Moor. . . .J Market Rasen ^^ . . . . ^ knight Thomas de Multon. William Lungspee (?) Lambert de Multon William Lungspee (7 car.) Prior of Spalding (2 car. 6 bov.) Hugh de Rom Reginald de Tydd Roger de Montbegon (?) John son of Benedict, of Simon de Hundon William de Ros(?) Adam de Tydd (?) Richard Blanchard Richard Blanchard William Blanchard Grace de Insula, of William Blanchard 1 Farrer, Lanes. Pipe R. pass. * Pat. R. (Rec. Com.), i. i8. s Close R. (Rec. Com.), i. i6, 2Z ; Pat. R. (Rec. Com.), i. 48*.

  • Rot. deFinibus (Rec. Com.), 275 ; Close R. (Rec. Com.), i. 53^. 6 chart. R. (Rec. Com.), 182.

6 Exch. K.R. kts. fees, ^ ; Testa de AVw7/(Rec. Com.), Lanes. 404^, 408^, Line. 334-48. 7 Testa de Nevill (Rec. Com.), Lanes. 400, 411, Line. 304, 312-332. 8 Ibid. 3131J, 345, 41 !• ' Ibid. ^^ Said to be held in chief of the honour. Ibid. 400. 11 Ibid. 315. 1^ Ibid. 315^. " Ibid. 316^. 322