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A HISTORY OF LANCASHIRE been buried at Wotheney. His widow was married by her father to Fulk fitz Warin,' and duly obtained her dower in Amounderness, and in her late husband's Irish estates.' Theobald's estates in Norfolk and Suffolk, which he held of Robert fitz Roger, were committed to the latter in ward, whilst his Irish estates were delivered to William Marshall, earl of Pembroke.' The heir was only five years old at his father's death, and with his sister was first committed to the charge of his kinsman, Robert Vavasour,* afterwards to Gilbert fitz Reinfred," in 1 2 1 3 to Philip Mark, sheriff of Nottingham,* and in February, 12 14, to the bishop of Winchester,' the justiciar. In 12 14 Reginald de Poinz obtained the marriage of the heir in favour of his daughter, and possession of his lands, including the manor of Saxton, co. Nor- folk, but the king retained Amounderness.* The same year Geoffrey de Mareys, justiciar of Ireland, was commanded to deliver Theobald Walter's castles of Roscrea, Thurles, Lusk, ' Armolen,' and ' Kakaules ' to Reginald de Poinz,' who answered the year following for the scutage of a knight's fee in this county and of another in co. Norfolk, as guardian of Theobald's lands.'" In 12 19 young Theobald was in the care of Geoffrey de Mareys, justiciar of Ireland, who had charge of his Irish estates." The year following, his sister Maud, who had been brought up in the household of Gilbert fitz Reinfred, baron of Kendal, and after his death by his son, William de Lancaster, was delivered to his charge." About Midsummer, 1221, Theobald attained his majority and was put in possession of his English and Irish estates." He at once entered upon active service, being with the earl of Pembroke in Lincolnshire in 1223.^* The year following he obtained a grant of half the manor of Marton in Amounderness for his maintenance in the king's service," and for two years had charge of the king's castle of Roscrea." Two years later he obtained remission of a great part of his father's debts, in consideration of three years (1226-8) to be spent in the king's service in Ireland." In 1228 he was one of the main- pernors to secure the delivery of the king's castles in Ireland by Geoffrey de Mareys upon his resignation of the office of justiciar of Ireland in favour of Richard de Burgh." By his marriage with Joan, eldest sister and eventual co-heir of Geoffrey de Mareys the justiciar," he had issue 1 Robert Vavasour gave 1,200 marks and two palfreys to have his daughter's marriage with her dower in Ireland, and in England, except in Amounderness. Rot. de oblat. (Rec. Cora.), 383. 2 Cbse R. (Rec. Com.), i. S^i, 223^ 352 ; Pat. R. (Rec. Com.), i. 74^ .• Rot. de Fin. (Rec. Com.), 383. ' Close R. (Rec. Com.), 65*, 68, 6^b. * Pat. R. (Rec. Com.), i. 59. s Ibid 35 6 Close R. (Rec. Com.), i. i 5 13. ^ Pat. R. (Rec. Com.), i. 1 10^. 8 Chse R. (Rec. Com.), 163*, 167, 208 ; Teita de NeviJ/ (Rec. Com.). In 121 2 Anselm de Newton held the seventh part of a knight's fee in Newton by Stow, co. SufF., of the heir of Theobald Walter Teita de Nevill (Rec. Com.), ijb. ' Pat. R. (Rec. Com.), 120*, 121*. 10 Ibid. 140^. 11 Close R. (Rec. Com.), i. 400 ; Pat. R. (Rec. Com.), i. 1 10*. ^^ Pat R. 1216-25, 235- She is said to have married Thomas de Hereford (Lodge, Peerage 0/ Ireland), but It IS clear that she became the wife of Gerald de Prendergast, a great Irish baron ; Cal. Ina. p. m i 64 Their only daughter and heir married John de Cogan, 6thcr of another John de Cogan. Gerald dePrendergalt married secondly the daughter of Richard de Burgh, feudal lord of Connaught, and by her had issue an only daughter, aged 10 years m Lent 1252 -Cal. Gen. i. 45. Carte {Life of James, Duke of Ormonde, pp. xii.-xiv.) has suggested, on the strength of a Plea Roll of 1293-6 (Plac. 24 Edw. I. m. 68), that Theobald Walter had by a previous marriage a daughter Beatrice, who married, first, Thomas de Hereford, and, secondly, in her fether s lifetime, Hugh Purcell. Mr. Round considers this not improbable. Diet. Nat Bioe viii 783 CA..^. (Rec Com.), i. 463^,505-5. iMbid. 573. » Ibid. 601 3. Pat. R. 1216-25, 426, 430 ; 1225-32, 62. 17 Close R. (Rec. Com.), ii. 92^ ; Pat. R. 1225-32, 41. is p^t R i22i;-u 178 '9 Lodge, Peerage of Ireland, iv. 5, describes her as Joan, sister and co-heir of John de Marisco. ' ' 354