A HISTORY OF LEICESTERSHIRE TINEAE (continued') PLUTELLIDAE (continued') Harpipteiyi nemorella, L. Kibworth xylostella, L. Kibworth, Bardon Hill, Bradgate Park Theristis mucronella, Scop. Knighton GELECHIIDAE Orthotelia sparganella, Thnb. Market Harborough Phibalocera quercana, Fb. Market Harborough, Kib- worth, r. Depressaria costosa, Haw. Market Harborough assimilella, Tr. Market Harborough arenella, Schiff. Market Harborough, Knighton, Bardon Hill - propinquella, Tr. Knighton, Market Harbonugb, Bardon Hill alstroemeriana, Clerck. Bardon Hill, Kibworth, n.c. ; Market Harborough conterrainella, Zell. Market Harborough applana, Fb. Kibworth, abundant ; Buddon Wood - albipunctella, Hb. Market Harborough Gelechia pinguinella, Tr. Market Harborough scalella, Scop. Buddon (Whittingham) Bryotropha terrella, Hb. Market Harborough domestica, Haw. Kibworth, fairly c. on windows ; Market Harborough Lita tricolorella, Haw. Seal Wood - fratcrnclla, Dougl. Whitwick Teleia proximclla, Hb. Market Harborough fugitivella, Zell. Market Harborough Recurvaria nanella, Hb. Market Harborough Ptocheuusa subocella, St. Market Harborough Monochroa tenebrclla, Hb. Kibworth, flying over stems of uncut grass Anacampsis anthyllidella, Hb. Market Harborough Chelaria hubnerella, Don. Market Harborough Dasycera sulphurella, Fb. Kibworth, Market Har- borough, Bardon Hill Oecophora minutella, L. Market Harborough fulvigutella, Zell. Market Harborough fuscescens, Haw. Kibworth, c. pseudospretella, Sta. Kibworth, in outhouses abundant Endrosis fenestrella, Scop. Gen. dist. Butalis fusco-cuprea, Haw. Market Harborough GLYPHIPTERYGIDAE Glyphipteryx fischeriella, Zell. Market Harborough fuscoviridella, Haw. Ulverscroft, flying over grass ARGYRESTHIIDAE Argyresthia ephippella, Fb. Market Harborough semitestacella, Curt. Market Harborough albistria, Haw. Ozvston Wood, unicolorous vars. Market Harborough semifusca, Haw. Whitwick glaucinella, Zell. Bradgate Park retinella, Zell. Market Harborough curvella, L. Kibworth sobriella, Tr. Market Harborough pygmaeella, Hb. Market Harborough goedartella, L. Kibworth, Market Harborough brochella, Hb. Market Harborough, Bradgate Park arceuthina, Zell. Market Harborough TINEAE (continued) GRACILARIIDAE Gracilaria alchimella, Scop. Ulverscroft, Market Harborough elongella, L. Market Harborough syringella, Fb. Ulverscroft, Kibworth, Market Harborough Ornix avellana, Sta. Kibworth, Market Harborough anglicella, Sta. Grange Wood torquillella, Sta. Whitwick guttea, Haw. Kibworth, on wing flying by day CoLEOPHORIDAE Coleophora fuscocuprella, H.S. Market Harborough troglodytella, Dup. Market Harborough lineola, Haw. Market Harborough lutipennella, Zell. Kibworth, fairly c. ELACHISTIDAE Batrachedra praeangusta, Haw. Market Harborougb pinocolella, Dup. Grace Dieu Laverna propinquella, Sta. Market Harborough lacteella, St. Market Harborough epilobiella, Schr. Kibworth, Gy. ochraceella, Curt. Kibworth, Market Harborough hellerella, Dup. Market Harborough Chrysoclysta aurifrontella, Hb. Kibworth, Ulvers- croft Elachista magnificella, Tgstr. Ulverscroft, flying in wood albipunctella, Sta. Ulverscroft albifrontella, Hb. Ulverscroft, Market Harborough, Ottiston Wood luticomclh, Zell. Market Harborough nigrella, Hb. Kibworth, v.c. some years obscurella, Sta. Kibworth, flying in afternoon megerlella, Zell. Market Harborough cerusella, Hb. Market Harborough rhynchosporella, Sta. Market Harborough rufocinerea, Haw. Kibworth, Market Harborough, Bardon Hill argentella, Clerck. Kibworth, Bradgate Park Tischeria complanella, Hb. Market Harborough, Ul- verscroft marginea, Haw. Ulverscroft LlTHOCOLLETl DAE Lithocolletis cavella, Zell. Kibworth, feeds on birch pomifoliella, Zell. Kibworth, Market Harborough coryli, Nicelli. Kibworth, Market Harborough faginella, Mann. Market Harborough viminetorum, Sta. Knighton ulmifoliella, Hb. Market Harborough quercifoliella, Fisch. Market Harborough cramerella, Fb. Market Harborough tenella, Zell. Knighton sylvella, Haw. Bradgate Park emberizaepennella, Bouche. Grange Wood frolichiella, Zell. Ulverscroft, flying amongst alders in marshy copse nicelli, Zell. Kibworlh 88
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