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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Frontispiece the relative position of faU-f age plate. the Roman facing Camomile Street The Tower of London and River Thames about 1500 . Romano-British Remains : Mirror of White Bronze, Deverell Street Glass Cinerary Urn and Bottles .... Sarcophagus found at Westminster Abbey Lead Coffin-lid, Haydon Square, Minories . Stone Coffin „ „ „ . . Lead Coffin-lids, Battersea Fields and Old Ford Pottery Lamp found on site of St. Paul's Christian Lamp of Pottery .... Transverse section of roadway in Eastcheap showing Way Roman Coins struck in London .... General Elevation and Section of City Wall . Architectural Fragments from the Bastion, Tower Hill Plans of the Wall and Bastion at Aldgate Architectural Fragments from Bastion, Houndsditch Architectural and Monumental Fragments from Bastion, Fluted Pilaster with Moulded Cap, New Broad Street City Wall, West of Allhallows Church Elevation of Wall and Section disclosed by the Shaft in the Walbrook Bed Roman Newgate : Elevation and Plan from Remains discovered Diagram showing base of City Wall at various points Portion of Pilaster of White Italian Marble .... Capital and portion of Column of Purbeck Marble, Queen Street Carved Stone from Thames Street Wall .... Sections of City Wall ....... Plan of Roman Building, Lower Thames Street Plan showing Hypocaust under the Bucklersbury Pavement Roman Sewer, Little Knightrider Street .... Painted base of Column, Royal Exchange .... Architectural Fragments found built into Walls in London Sketch Plan showing Roman Remains discovered in Lombard Street and Birchin Lane Diagram of principal Roman Pottery forms ........ Fragment of Gaulish bowl from Lezoux found at Aldgate . "j Specimens of Gaulish Red Ware ] PH^g' pl"", facing Stamp for impressing in mould of Vase (Mars or a Warrior) from Basinghall Street ....... Stone Relief (Three Satyrs Drinking) from site of Holy Trinity Priory, Aldgate ....... Bronze Relief of Romulus and Remus .......... go Statue of a Youth in Phrygian Costume from Bevis Marks Architectural Fragment of Bastion from Camomile Street j' ' J^ P S > P J g 9 Tessellated Pavement discovered under the south-east area of Excise Office . . '9' 8 9 13 17 18 20 25 25 38 40 47 51 S3 55 57 58 59 61 65 67 70 72 75 76 n n 80 81 85 86