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A HISTORY OF LONDON Priors of Holy Trinity, Aldgate Norman, the first prior,'*^ occurs in 1145,^*' died 11471^' Ralph, elected 1 148, died 1167^*' William, occurs 1169"" Stephen, elected 1 170, deposed 1197^ Peter de Cornwall, elected 1197, died 1221^'^ Richard de Temple, elected 1222,"' occurs John de Toting, elected 1250,^^' occurs I26l"«  Gilbert, occurs 1261,"^ died 1264^'* Eustace, elected 1264,"' died 1284^*" William Aygnel, elected 1285,^" occurs 1292,^°^ died 1294 -"' Stephen de Watton, elected 1294,^"* resigned Ralph de Cantuaria, elected 1303,^°^ died 1314=07 Richard de Wymbysshe, elected 1 314 (?),*"' resigned or was deposed 1325'°' Roger de Poleye, elected 1325,"" resigned, 1331211 "° Dugdale, Mon. Jtigl. vi, I 50. '»' Cott. Chart, xi, 6. ■" Stevens, Hhf. of Abbeys, ii, 79. "' Ibid. '" Robertson, Materials for the Hist, of Thomas Becket (Rolls Ser.),vi, 632, 633. "" Stevens, op. cit. ii, 79. '" Ibid. 80. Newcourt, however, gives Gilbert elected 1 2 1 4 between two priors whose names began with P. Repert. Eccl. Loud, i, 560. "' Cal. of Pat. 1216-25, p. 342 ; Stubbs, Introd. to Mem. ofRic. I (Rolls Set.), Ixvii. '" Guildh.ill MS. 122, fol. 170. According to the list given by Stevens, op. cit. ii, 80, he died in 1248. Dugdale gives the date of his death as 1252. Op. cit. vi, 150. '" Stevens, op. cit. ii, 80. He occurs 1250, Doc. of D. and C. of St. Paul's, A. Box 24, No. 1748. Dugdale says he received the royal assent to his election in 1252, op. cit. vi, 150. "" Anct. D. (P.R.O.), A. 1664. '"Ibid. A. 2394. '°' Stevens, op. cit. ii, 80. He was appointed papal chaplain in 1264. Cal. Pap. Letters, i, 408. "' He received the temporalities according to Stevens, December 1264, according to Newcourt, op. cit. i, 560, in 1268. "" Cal. of Pat. I 281-92, p. 147. '"^ The royal assent to his election was given ID Jan. 1285. Ibid. I 5 I. ™ Cott. R. xiii, 18 (18). ™' Cal. of Pat. 1 292-1 301, p. 70.

  • "* Ibid. 1 301-7, p. 120.

'"' Stevens, op. cit. ii, 80.

  • °' Ibid. He did not receive the royal assent until

1 3 1 6 {Cal. of Pat. 1 3 1 3-17, p. 478), so that the date of his election is doubtful.

  • °' According to Cal. of Pat. 1324-7, p. I 24, he

appears to have resigned, but Stevens says he was deposed. Op. cit. ii, 80. "" Cal. of Pat. 1324-7, p. 125. "' Ibid. 1330-4, p. 120. "" Ibid. '»Mbid. 123. Thomas Heron, elected 1331,^^' died 1340^^' Nicholas de London or Algate, elected 1340,^ died 1377 "* William de Rysyng, elected 1377,^" died 139121^ Robert Excestre or Exeter, elected 1391,-'* died 1408-'" William Harrington or Haradon, elected 1407,^^ died 1420--' William Clerk, elected 1420 =^^ John Asshewell, occurs 1429 "' William Clerk, occurs 1432--^ and 1438**' John Sevenok or Sevenot, s.t.b. elected ^439> occurs 1440 "' Thomas Pomery elected 1446,'^' occurs 1478*^^ Thomas Percy, elected 1481,^ deposed 1493 «i Richard Charnock, died 1507 {}) ^'^ Thomas Newton, occurs 1506"^' Thomas Percy, died 15 12 "■'■' John Bradwell, elected 1512,^ occurs 1520- 1523,^'^ 1524=" Nicholas Hancoke, elected 15 24,*^* surrendered 1532=39 The seal attached to a charter of the late twelfth century =*" is a pointed oval, and shows Our Lor 1 seated on a rainbow, with a cruciform nimbus, lifting up the right hand in benediction. 111 Jl< JI6 Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. p. 121 443- 23. '" Ibid. '" Ibid. 1338-40, 1377-87 P- P 42 5 9 Sir SIS Lone Ibid. . Epis. Reg. Braybrook, fol. 294. "' Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 151. In March, 1399, the pope conferred the dignity of papal chaplain on John Buntingford who is called prior of Christchurch, London {Cal. Pap. Letters, iv, 308), but in August, 1399, Robert Exeter was prior. Nicolas, Test. Vet. '+9- '-'" Stevens, op. cit. ii, 80. '" Ibid. '^^ Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 151. "' Devon, Issues of the Exch. 410. "' Anct. D. (P.R.O.), A. 2648. »« Lond. Epis. Reg. Gilbert, fol. 84. '-* Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 151. »" Anct. D. (P.R.O.), A. 2020. "' Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 151. '-' Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. ix, App. i, 54. "" Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 151. '" Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. ix, App. i, 119. "'Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 151. A lease in which Thomas Newton figures as prior is dated 20 February, 21 Hen. VII. See next note. "' L. and P. Hen. Fill, xvi, 503 (15). "* Lond. Epis. Reg. Fitz James, fol. 84-6. '^ Ibid. In a deed of 1509, however, he is called prior. Anct. D. (P.R.O.),A. 1773. "«Harl. Chart. 44 F. 50-4 ; 44 G. I, 3. '" Lond. Epis. Reg. Tunstall, fol. 51, Sec.

  • " Ibid. He W.1S sub-prior.

"' Lansd. MS. 968, fol. 50. ""Cott. Chart, xi, 52. 474