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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK is found it does not seem to matter how often it is visited, as something fresh is almost sure to be taken. There is a peculiar habit found in the larva of Limneria kreichbaumeri when in the cocoon ; it has the power of leaping a considerable distance into the air. The cocoon is semitransparent, and when held up to the light the larva may be seen to bend itself into the shape of a U ; then press its head and tail against one side of the cocoon, and suddenly release them so that they strike the opposite side, hitting it a sharp blow which causes it to make a leap. When held in the fingers the tap may distinctly be felt and heard. TENTHREDINIDiE Tenthreda livida, Linn. Norwich ; com- mon, June and July — colon, Klug. Norwich ; one female on Mousehold — solitaria, Scop. Sparham ; two females taken by Mr. F. Norgate in June — rufiventris, Panz. Sparham; three fe- males taken by Mr. F. Norgate in June — dispar, Klug. Twice taken in the county ; once at Felthorpe in June — maculata, Fourc. Taken by Mr. Nor- gate, probably at Sparham — bicincta, Linn. Common — mesomela, Linn. Common at mid- summer — obsoleta, Klug. Taken at Lynn by Mr. E. A. Atmore — olivacea, Klug. One female taken by Mr. Norgate and another by Mr. Atmore — punctulata, Klug. Common — viridis, Linn. Common — lateralis, Fab. Norwich ; in May and June, not common — gibbosa. Fall. Common, occurring as early as April Tenthredopsis cordata, Fourc. Norwich ; apparently uncommon — microcephala, Sep. Norwich, Lynn — caliginosa. Step. Once taken — nigricollis. Cam. Norwich, Lynn ; com- mon — ornata, Sep. Salhouse, June — tristis. Step. Taken by Mr. E. A. At- more at Lynn, in June — dorsivittata. Cam. Earlham ; end of May, uncommon — inornata, Cam. Norwich ; June — nassata, Linn. "I ^ . , — sordid^ Klug. I ^'""'"°" '" J""" Synaerema rubi, Panz. Recorded in Nor- folk by Stephens Pachyprotasis rapae, Linn. Very common — simulans, Klug. One specimen taken Tenthredinid^ {continued) by Mr. F. Norgate, probably near Sparham ; rare Macrophya blanda. Fab. Norwich ; June, common — neglecta, Klug. Norwich ; June, common — i2-punctata, Linn. Twice taken : once at JVroxham ; once at the osier- carr at Heigham — this locality since destroyed — albicincta, Sch. Brundall ; end of May — ribis, Schr. Brundall, Eaton ; single specimens, at the end of May and beginning of June — rustica, Linn. Very common — punctum-album, Linn. Norwich ; in privet hedges, in June Allantus scrophulariae, Linn. Brundall, Postwick ; about Scrophularia nodosa — tricinctus. Fab. Brundall ; August, not common — marginellus. Fab. Earlham ; June, not common — arcuatus, Ffirst. Very common Dolerus vestigialis, Klug. Norwich, Brun- dall; two specimens, in May and June — triplicatus, Klug. Very rare ; one taken by Mr. F. Norgate at Sparham, in June, 1880 — fulviventris. Scop. Common among Equisetum — anticus, Klug. Brundall; end of April — arcticus, Thom. Brundall ; two males. May and June — gonagra. Fab. Very common — puncticoUis, Thom. Brundall ; un- common, end of May — haematodes, Schr. Common — anthracinus, Klug. Rare ; one at Eaton, in May — fissus, Hgt. Common — varispinus, Hgt. Rare ; Norwich, three taken in spring — intermedius. Cam. Norwich, Brundall ; not uncommon, April and May 96