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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK FossORES (continued) Crabro cephalotes, Panz. Horning, Cromer, Brundall ; August — cribrarius, Linn. "1 ,. common Mousehold, Earlham ; — patellatus, Panz. — palmipes, Linn. males not rare — vagus, Linn. Brundall ; June, August — chrysostomus, St. Farg. Brundall; June, August — albilabris, Fab. Norwich, Cromer ; very common — panzeri, Lind. Cromer ; taken by Mr. F. Smith, August, 1868 — brevis, Lind. Norwich, Cromer ; abun- dant, August Oxybelus uniglumis, Linn. Abundant in summer on every dry bank — mandibularis, Dahlb. Norwich ; one male, identified by Mr. E. Saun- ders Spilomena troglodytes. Shuck. One speci- men, flying about palings in Norwich, August, 1875 Stigmus pendulus, Panz. Norwich ; abun- dant about old palings in garden, June, July Diodontus minutus. Fab. Abundant every- where — luperus, Shuck. Equally plentiful with the last — tristis, Lind. Less frequent than the last two Passalaecus cornigera, Shuck. Generally distributed — brevicornis, Thoms. Common — gracilis. Curt. One specimen only taken Pemphredon lugubris, Fab. Tolerably abundant Cemonus unicolor, Lind. 1,. , , — lethifer, Shuck. •Y^y abundant, Psen pallipes, Panz. [ June to August Mimesa shuckardi, Wesm. Mousehold, Eaton, Brundall ; scarce — bicolor, Jurine. Generally distributed, July, August Cerceris arenaria, Linn. Yarmouth, Mouse- hold ; July, August — labiata. Fab. Norwich, Bawsey Heath ; July, August — ornata. Fab. Equally common with the last DiPLOPTERA Odynerus sinuatus. Fab. Heigham, Brun- dall ; July — gracilis, Brull^. Postwick ; taken by the Rev. J. L. Brown — spinipes, Linn. Harford Bridges, Brundall; July DiPLOPTERA {continued) Odynerus melanocephalus, Gmel. Brun- dall; one specimen, July, 1873 — parietinum, Linn. Not uncommon in some seasons — parietum, Linn. Very abundant — quadratus, Thoms. Equally abun- dant — trifasciatus, Oliv. Not uncommon — pictus. Curt. Norwich ; occasionally taken — antilope, Panz. Lynn ; taken by Mr. E. A. Atmore Vespa crabro, Linn. Generally distributed — vulgaris, Linn. ") ^ , • T- L r Common anywhere — germanica, rab. J •' — rufa, Linn. Not uncommon — sylvestris, Scop. Not rare ; a nest was taken in 1875, out of a bank ; it is not its usual habit to build under- ground — norvegica, Fab. Witton ; a nest taken in July, 1875, by the Rev. J. Landy Brown contained all three sexes ; not otherwise noticed in Norfolk Anthophila Colletes succincta, Linn. Mousehold, St. Faiths, Bawsey ; abundant at heather bloom in August and September — fodiens, Kirby. Norwich, Yarmouth, Lynn ; July to September, at ragwort blossom — picistigma, Thoms. Norwich ; one female in July, 1875 — daviesana. Smith. About every sandy bank Prosopis communis, Nyl. Common ; June till August — confusus. Earlham, Brundall; not common, at flowers of bramble — signata, Panz. Generally common, at flowers of mignonette — hyalinata, Kirby. Common — perforator. Smith. Earlham ; at bramble flowers — varipes. Smith. Norwich ; one male Sphecodes gibbus, Linn. Generally dis- tributed and common — rufiventris, Wesm. Generally distri- buted and common — subquadratus, Smith. Brundall, Eaton ; uncommon — ephippius, Linn. Very common — pilifrons, Thorn. Taken with S. — similis, Wesm. / rufiventris — ferruginatus, Schenck. Brundall ; one female — variegatus, v. Hag. Taken with S. — dimidiatus, v. Hag. J ephippius — aflinis, v. Hag. 100