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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK Eupithecia succenturiata, Linn. Norwich, Aldeby, Denton, Croxton, Hingham, IVootton, Hunstanton — subfulvata, Haw. Norwich, St. Faiths, Kettertngham, Aldeby, Merton, Thetford, Lynn, Ranworth ; not scarce — subumbrata, Sch. Taken near Stoke Ferry in July, 1 89 1, by Mr. W. T. Cross — irriguata, Hb. Hunstanton, Merton, Den- ton ; rare — indigata, Hb. Horsford, Cawston, Mint- lyn ; in fir woods — lariceata, Frr. Merton, Shouldham, Mint- lyn, Sherringham, Denton; in larch woods — virgaureata, Dbld. Horning ; apparently • scarce — albi punctata, Haw. Horning, Lynn ; among Angelica — pimpinellata, Hb. Wells; very local — satyrata, Hb. Found near Lynn by Mr. E. A. Atmore — plumbeolata, Haw. Lynn, Denton ; scarce — isogrammata, H.S. (haworthiata, Dbld.). Lynn ; among Clematis — pygmjeata, Hb. Lakenham near Norwich, Stoke Ferry ; found commonly by Mr. Atmore at Wormegay and Bawsey near Lynn — valerianata, Hb. (viminata, Dbld.). Nor- wich, Brundall, Merton, Ranworth ; in fens and marshes among Valeriana — fraxinata, Crewe. Norwich, Yarmouth, Lynn, Horning ; among ash — subnotata, Hb. Lynn, Wootton ; apparently not common — campanulata, Crewe. Merton ; rare — absynthiata, Linn. Aldeby, Merton, Caws- ton, Hingham, Horning ; local — minutata, Hb. Norwich, St. Faiths, Brandon, Cawston, Lynn ; common on heaths — assimilata, Dbld. Norwich, Lynn, Caws- ton, Hingham ; in gardens — tenuiata, Hb. Common about sallows in fens and marshes — subciliata, Gn. Denton, Gillingham, Thet- ford, Cawston ; among maple — dodoneata, Gn. Lynn, Thetford ; among hawthorn and oak — abbreviata, Steph. Norwich, St. Faiths, Denton, Runton, Aldeby, Cawston, Lynn ; in oak woods — exiguata, Hb. Norwich, Aldeby, Lynn, Bawsey ; not very common — sobrinata, Hb. Norwich, Merton, Thet- ford, Brandon — coronata, Hb. Merton, Aldeby, Hingham, Cawston, Horning, Lynn — pumilata, Hb. Norwich, St. Faiths, Cawston ; apparently not common Pyralis fimbrialis, Sch. Merton, Cawston, Horning ; scarce — glaucinalis, Linn. Generally distributed Pyrausta punicealis, Sch. Ringstead Downs — ostrinalis, Hb. Kings Lynn ; not common — purpuralis, Linn. Generally distributed Herbula cespitalis, Sch. Widely distributed in sandy places Endotricha flammealis, Sch. Norwich, Mer- ton ; more frequent in the Lynn district Acentropus niveus, Oliv. Brandon, Merton, Ranworth, Barton Broad ; plentiful near Lynn Cataclysta lemnalis, Linn. Paraponyx stratio- talis, Linn. ; Hydrocampa nymphse- alis, Linn. ; and H. stagnalis, Don. All common about rivers, broads, and fen-drains Botys pandalis, H. S. Merton ; taken by Lord Walsingham — hyalinalis, Hb. Merton, Thetford, scarce — lancealis, Sch. Beachamwell, Aldeby, Barton Bendish, Lynn district ; in marshy woods, local — fuscalis, Sch. Generally distributed where yellow rattle grows in meadows, some- times also in marshes Ebulea crocealis, Tr. Norwich, Gillingham, Thetford, Cawston, Barton, Hunstanton, Lynn ; among Inula dysenterica — verbascalis, Sch. Plumstead, St. Faiths, Aldeby, Croxton, Cawston, the Lynn district, among Teucrium scorodonia — stachydalis, Zinck. Taken at Denton by the Rev. C. T. Cruttwell Lemiodes pulveralis, Hb. On July 27th, 1870, I captured a single specimen of this rare species upon the embankment of one of the drains at Ranworth Fen. So far as I know no other specimen has ever been taken in Norfolk, or indeed in any part of the United Kingdom except on the extreme south coast ; and the occurrence of this single ex- ample, which I still possess, is to me inexplicable Pionea margaritalis, Fab. Recorded at Beach- amwell by Stephens and Curtis, but I know of no recent captures here — stramentalis, Hb. Very widely distribu- ted in fens and marshes Margarodes unionalis, Hb. A single specimen of this rarity was captured at Yarmouth on June 15th, 1880, by Mrs. Wheeler. It was sitting upon a grass-culm on the sandhills. It has been placed by Dr. F. D. Wheeler in my collection Spilodes sticticalis, Linn. Merton, Thetford, Brandon, Beachamwell, Hunstanton ; rather common in the ' Breck ' district 152