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Gelechia nigra, Haw. Croxtoriy Lynn ; scarce — muscosella, Z. Ranworth ; rare — rhombella, Hb. Norwich ; among crab- apple ; scarce — distinctella, Z. Norwich, Merton, Yar- mouth, Brandon, Lynn ; locally common — sororculella, Hb. Merton, Ranworth ; among sallow Brachmia moufFetella, Sch. Merton ; among honeysuckle — lathyri, Stn. Merton, Irstead, Wormegayy Lynn ; in fens Bryotropha politella, Dgl. Lynn, rather com- mon ; Merton — desertella, Stn. Most abundant on the ' Breck-sands,' as well as on the present coast — senectella, Z. Norwich, Merton, Lynn, Hunstanton ; abundant — mundella, Dgl. Yarmouth, on the sands — similis, Dgl. Near Lynn, Merton — umbrosella, Z. Yarmouth, Lynn heaths ; abundant — tetragonella, H.S. Hunstanton ; ex- cessively local Lita artemisiella, Tr. among thyme — atriplicella, Fisch. the coast — instabilella, Dgl. ham — obsoletella, Fisch. the coast — suedella, Rich. Hunstanton, Heacham ; common among Sueda fruticosa ; a newly-described species — hardly found elsewhere — plantaginella, Stn. On the coast ; common among Plantago coronopus — acuminatella, Stn. Norwich, Merton ; not common — hUbneri, Haw. Croxton ; rare — maculiferella, Mann. Norwich, Merton, Lynn ; local — semidecandriella, Th. Merton, Croxton, Thetford, Lynn — vicinella, Dgl. Hunstanton, Heacham ; rare Teleia scriptella, Hb. Lynn, Hingham, Denton, Merton ; among maple — sequax, Haw. Denton — fugitivella, Z. Norwich, Merton, Lynn, Denton ; on elm — humeralis, Z. Merton ; taken by Lord Walsingham — notatella, Hb. Norwich, worth ; not common — luculella, Hb. Merton, Lynn — dodecella, Linn. Not uncommon among fir Merton, Bwaffham, Near Hunstanton, on Hunstanton, Thorn- In salt marshes on Merton, Ran- Recurvaria leucatella, Linn. Norwich ; scarce Pcecilia albiceps, Z. Lynn, Merton — gemmella, Linn. Norwich, St. Faiths, Lynn, Denton Argyritis pictella, Z. Yarmouth, Hunstanton, Merton, Croxton, Brandon ; on the ' Breck-sand ' even more commonly than upon the present coast. With it Lord Walsingham has taken the form hitherto supposed to be a distinct species, under the name of tarquiniella, Stn. Nannodia naeviferella, Z. Norwich, Merton, Lynn, among Chenopodium — hermannella, Fab. IVootton ; very local Apodia bifractella, Mann. Lynn ; very local Sitotroga cerealella, Oliv. Norwich, rare ; abundant about grain warehouses at Lynn Ptocheuusa subocellea, Steph. Merton, scarce — inopella, Z. Lynn ; among Inula dysen- terica — osseella, Stn. Norwich ; rare Ergatis subdecurtella, Stn. Ranworth ; among Lythrum salicaria ; rare — ericinella, Z. Near Norwich, St. Faiths, Merton, Lynn ; on heaths Xystophora palustrella, Dgl. Ranworth, Horning, near Beccles ; in fens, rare — arundinetella, Z. Merton ; rare — lucidella, Stph. Merton, abundant ; Lynn, very local — sufRisella, Dgl. Ranworth ; rare — morosa, Z. Ranworth, Lynn ; scarce — servella, Z. Taken by Mr. Atmore, near Lynn ; recognized and recorded by Lord Walsingham. I know of no other locality for this species in the British Isles Monochroa tenebrella, Hb. Norwich, St. Faiths, Brandon, Merton, Denton, Lynn. M. tenebrosella is now recognized as its female Lamprotes atrella, Haw. Merton, Ranworth, Surlingham, Denton, Lynn — unicolorella, H.S. Lynn; on heaths Aproaerema ligulella, Z. In the fens among Lotus major — taeniolella, Tr. Cringleford, Croxton, Denton, Lynn, Hunstanton — albipalpella, H.S. Lynn ; on heaths Acanthophila alacella, Dup. Several taken at Merton by Lord Walsingham, and one at Lynn by Mr. Atmore Ceratophora rufescens. Haw. Frequent in the fens, also found at Merton on dry sandy ground Cladodes gerronella, Z. Not scarce in the fens 159