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INSECTS In the following list the names of the captors or recorders of species when other than the author are given after each entry. No particulars are appended to species generally distributed or of frequent occurrence in the county. The entomologists referred to in this list are : the late W. G. Blatch, F.E.S. (1840- 1900) ; the late J. A. Brewer of Reigate ; the late J. B. Bridgman, F.L.S., F.E.S. , of Norwich (1837-99) ; the Rev. J. Landy Brown of Norwich ; E. A. Butler, F.E.S. ; G. C. Cham- pion, F.Z.S., F.E.S. ; John Curtis [British Entomology, 1838) ; the late T. P. Dossetor who lived in Norwich, 1876—87; the Rev. Canon Fowler of Lincoln ; Frank Norgate formerly of Sparham ; C. J. and J. Paget [Sketch of the Natural History of Great Yarmouth and its Neighbourhood, 1834) ; the late Dr. J. A. Power of London (1810-86) ; Edward Saunders, F.L.S. [Hemiptera Heteroptera of the British Islands, 1892) ; the Rev. T. Skrimshire of Syderstone (circ. 1825) ; H. J. Thouless of Norwich ; J. J. Walker, R.N., F.E.S. HETEROPTERA SCUTELLERIDj^ Corimelaena scarabasoides, Linn. Eaton, near Norwich, April, 1874 ; Howe Grove, July, 1888, Thouless; Nor- wich, Dossetor Odontoscelis fuliginosa, Linn. Sand-hills, Burnham, Skrimshire Podops inuncta, Fab. Eaton, July, 1874 ; Mousehold Heath, Thouless Cydnid^ Sehirus bicolor, Linn. Gnathoconus albomarginatus. Fab. Arm- inghall — picipes, Fall. Yarmouth, Norwich Pentatomid^ iElia acuminata, Linn. Caister Marrams, Curtis Neottiglossa inflexa, Wolff. Howe Grove, Thouless Pentatoma baccarum, Linn. Foxley Wood, Norgate ; Drayton Drewray, Thouless — prasina, Linn. Yarmouth; 'on firs, very common,' Paget Strachia festiva, Linn. Norwich, Saunders Piezodorus lituratus, Fab. Tropicoris rufipes, Linn. AsOPIDi* Picromerus bidens, Linn. Asopus punctatus, Linn. Mousehold Heath Podisus luridus, Fab. Sparham, Norgate ; Drayton Drewray, Thouless Zicrona coerulea, Linn. Coxford, August 1 0th, 1887 ; one example ACANTHOSOMID^ Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale, Linn. — dentatum, De G. — interstinctum, Linn. COREID^ Pseudophlaeus falleni, Schill. Brandon, Walker Bathysolen nubilus, Fall. Sparham district, Norgate ; Norwich Coreus denticulatus. Scop. Mousehold Heath, Dossetor ALYDIDii: Alydus calcaratus, Linn. Mousehold Heath, Dunston Common ; Southrepps, Butler CoRiziD.*: Therapha hyoscyami, Linn. Caistor Mar- rams, Paget Corizus parumpunctatus, Schill. Drayton Drewray, September 5th, 1884 ; one example Myrmus myriformis. Fall. Chorosoma schillingi, Schml. Caistor Mar- rams, Paget Berytid^ Neides tipularius, Linn. Hunstanton, July 30th, 1885 ; one example Berytus clavipes, Fab. Norfolk, Curtis — minor, H.S. | Mousehold Heath — signoreti, exay. j — montivagus, Fieb. Thetford ; Mouse- hold Heath, Thouless MetacanthiDj* Metacanthus punctipes, Germ. Yarmouth, Thouless ; Gimingham^ Butler Lyg^iDj^: Nysius thymi, Wolff. CYMIDiS Cymus glandicolor, Hahn. — melanocephalus, Fieb. — claviculus, Fall. Ischnorhynchus resedae, Panz. Stratton StrawlesSy Ringland — geminatus, Fieb. 165