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SPIDERS 57. Lycosa perita, LztreiWe. (O. P.-C.) ; Mousehold Heath, Brandon, Hunstanton, Yarmouth (J. Edwards). This spider is also known as Lycosa picta, and is common on sand-dunes. 58. Lycosa acceniuata, Latreille. Mousehold Heath (J. Edwards). Known also as Tarentula or Lycosa andreni- vora. 59. Pardosa lugubrh (Walckenaer). (O. P.-C.) ; Norwich (F. P. S.) ; West Run- ton (H. W. F.). This and the following species are also known under the generic name Lycosa, 60. Pardosa amentata (Clerck). (J. Edwards) ; Watton, West Runton, Ormes- by (H. W. F.) ; Norwich (F. P. S.). 6 1 . Pardosa pullata (Clerck). West Runton and Ormesby Broad (H. W. F.) ; Norwich (F. P. S.). 62. Pardosa prativaga (L. Koch). Ormesby Broad (H. W. F.). 63. Pardosa proximo (C. L. Koch). Ormesby Broad (H. W. F.). 64. Pardosa monticola (C. L. Koch). 0- Edwards) ; Ormesby Broad (H. W. F.). 65. Pardosa palustris (Linn.). Norwich (F. P. S.). 66. Pardosa herbigrada (Blackwall). Cromer (H. W. F.) ; Norwich (F. P. S.). 67. Pardosa nigriceps (Thorell). (O. P.-C.) ; West Runton and Ormesby (H. W. F.). 68. Pardosa farrenii (O. P.-Cambridge). Thetford (O. P.-C). This rare species has occurred hitherto else- where only in Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire. 69. Pirata hygrophilus, Thorell. Ormesby Broad (H. W. F.). 70. Pirata piscatorius (Clerck). (O. P.-C.) ; Merton (Lord Walsingham) ; Watton and Scoulton Mere (H. W. F.). 71. Pirata piraticus {Clerck). Norwich (F. P. S.) ; Watton, West Runton and Ormesby Broad (H. W. F.). 72. Pirata latitans (Blackwall). Ormesby Broad (H. W. F.). AGELENID.E Spiders with eight eyes situated in two straight or more or less curved transverse rows. Tarsal claws three. The species of this family spin a large sheet-like web and construct a tubular retreat at the back of it, which leads to some crevice among the rocks or the herbage, or the chinks in the walls of outhouses, wherever the various species may happen to be found. The habits of Argyroneta are however different. 73. Cryphoeca silvicola (C. L. Koch). (O. P.-C), (Hamlet-Clark) ; Watton (H. W. F.). 74. Tegenaria derhamii (Scopoli). Norwich (F. P. S.) ; West Runton, Ormesby, etc. (H. W. F.). 75. Tegenaria atrica (C. L. Koch). Norwich (F. P. S.). 76. Tegenaria parietina (Fourcroy). (James Edwards). This spider is known also as T. guyonii,znd is the T. domestica of Blackwall. 77. Agelena lahyrinthica (Clerck). (O. P.-C.) ; Norwich (F. P. S.) ; Cromer, Watton, Ormesby Broad, etc., etc. (H. W. F.). A very common spider, making a sheet-like web on the herbage with a funnel-shaped tubular retreat. 78. Hahnia elegans (Blackwall). Ormesby Broad (H. W. F.), (J. Edwards). 79. Argyroneta aquatica, C. L. Koch. (James Edwards). This is the well-known water spider which makes a silken nest beneath the surface and swims and dives freely, hatching out its young within the nest. 177