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FISHES As with the other divisions of the Norfolk fauna, the number of species of fishes which has been found in the rivers, lakes, and along the coast of Norfolk, is unusually large ; the warm shallow water in the bays and flats of the coast forming excellent breeding-grounds, and affording, in the myriads of Entomostraca found there, abundant food for the newly- hatched fish. Of the total list of British fishes, one-ffth more are found in Norfolk than are found in any other county, comprising many very interesting species and some of great rarity. The localities given are, in large measure, derived from : — The Natural History of Yarmouth, by Messrs. Paget. Sir Thomas Browne's List, written in 1666. The late Mr. J. H. Gurney's Notes. Lubbock's Fauna of Norfolk. The UEitrange Household Book. The abbreviations used are as follows : — P.— Paget. J. H. G.— The late Mr. John Henry Gurney. T. S. — Mr. T. Southwell, Norwich ) from whom much valuable recent informa- A. P. — Mr. A. Patterson, Yarmouth J tion has been derived. These, as well as a number of other observers, have made import- ant additions to the list. The following is a list of the fishes known to occur in the Norfolk waters': — TELEOSTEANS ACANTHOPTERYGII the same broad in 1879, and another at » T, , D a ■ ./• T- Trowse Hythe, May 6th, 1880.

  • i. Perch. Perca ftuvtattlts, Lmn. y > y >

The late Mr. Gurney observed that in the *2- Ruff or Pope. Acerina cernua, Linn. Yare and Bure they are much larger near ' Has an especial Norfolk interest. It was the mouths of the rivers, where the water is first discovered, according to Cuvier, by an brackish, than higher up where this is not the Englishman named Caius * (Dr.), who found case. Mr. Day confirms this view. A perch taken in Ormesby Broad, September 14th, , -l°^°37^ or Caius founder of Caius Col- 1866, was recorded by Mr. Gunn in the l^f.C^n?br^8e, indwell known as the author of r, , ■ ... ', ,. , . Tie Merrte frwes of IVtnJsor, Wis born it Norwich, Zoologist as weighing 4| lb-, and measurmg ,5,^ ^ „^ ^„j ^^^ ^j^^^^^j ^^ ^^^ P^^^ S^^^, 18 mches in length. Mr. Southwell men- He joined Gonville College, of which he was tions one of the same dimensions, taken in afterwards a Fellow. ' Aspredo fluviatilis pisces est toto corpore asper,

  • An asterisk (*) indicates occurrence in fresh pinnis spinosis, percae formJ et magnitudine. Locis

water only, two asterisks (**) in both fresh and salt gaudet arenosis, et cum alibi in Britannil turn water. prjecipue in Hiero flumine quod nostrum nordo- 200