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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK Rubus Idceus, Linn — plicatus, W. & N. . . . — Rogersii, Linton . . . . — affinis, W. & N — incurvatus, Bab — Lindleianus, Lees . . . . — rhamnifolius, W. & N. . — pulcherrimus, Neum. — villicaulis, var. Selmeri — gratus, Focke — rusticanus, Merc, (probably) — macrophyllus, W. & N. aggregate. . . . . var. Schlectendahlii (Weihe) var. amplificatus (Lees) . — Sprengelii, Weihe — micans, Gren. & Godr. . — pyramidalis, Kalt . . . . — leucostachys, Sleich . — Boroeanus, Genev. — mucronatus, Blox. — Gelertii, Frider . . . . var. criniger, Linton . — radula, Weihe var. echinatoides, Rogers . — echinatus, Lindl — oigoclados, Muell. & Lefr. . — Babingtonii, Bell-Salt. — fuscus, W. & N — pallidus, W. & N. . . . — Lintoni, Focke . . . . — rosaceus, var. hystrlx, W. & N. . . — Koehleri, var. cognatus (N. E. Br.). 1^ NC SC ff E NC E E E E NC E NC SC E NC E NC E E NC SC W E NC W E E NC E E E E NC E E E E NC E NC E E E E E E E E E Rubus hirtus, W. & N. var. rotundifolius, Bab. — tereticaulis, P. J. Muell. — dumetorum, W. & N. var. tuberculatus, Bab. var. fasciculatus, P. J. Muell. /<2'^ Bab . . . — corylifolius, Sm. usually a sublustris form . var. cyclophyllus, Lindeb. — caesius, Linn var. tenuis, Bell. Sah.^de Bab var. intermedius, Bab. Rosa spinosissima, Linn. . — tomentosa, Sm var. scabriuscula (Sm.) — rubiginosa, Linn var. comosa, Rip. . — micrantha, Sm — obtusifolia, Desv var. frondosa, Baker . var. tomentella (Leman) . — canina, Linn var. lutetiana (Leman) var. surculosa (Woods) var. sphaerica (Gren.) . var. senticosa (Ach.). . var. dumalis (Bechst.) . var.verticillacantha (Merat) var. Blondoeana (Rip.) var. urbica (Leman) . var. dumetorum (Thuill.) var. arvatica, Baker var. Borreri (Woods) . — coriifolia, Fries — arvensis, Linn E E E E E NC SC E SC E E NC SC E NC SC E SC E E NC E E E SC E NC SC E NC SC E NC SC E E NC E E NC SC E NC E E SC E E NC SC E E E NC If w w w w w w w w MENTHA The late Rev. Kirby Trimmer, who studied Norfolk botany for a great part of a long life, in his ' Supplement ' to the Flora of Norfolk^ gave a full account of the localities and distribution of this difficult genus (in which he was an acknowledged specialist) throughout the county ; by which it will be seen that he found all the species but one (M. pratensis. Sole) and most of the varieties enumerated in the London Catalogue of British Plants, ed. 9. The dates of his observations range from 1835 to 1883. The following table is compiled from the 'Supplement,' pp. 32- 45:— Mentha rotundifolia, Huds. . — alopecuroides, Hull — longifolia, Huds. . . . b. nemorosa c. moUissima (Borkh.) — viridis, Linn ' var. crispata "... NC NC SC SC NC SC NCSC NC SC ISC w w w Mentha piperita, Linn. a. officinalis (Hull) b. vulgaris (Sole) . — pubescens, Willd. a. palustris (Sole) . b. hircina (Hull) . — hirsuta, Huds. . . NC NC NC NC SC SC SC IV 56