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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK Sphagnum subnitens, Russ. and Warnst. var. Ulota phyllantha, Brid. violascens, Warnst. — Hutchinsis, Hamm. — rubellum, Warnst. Physcomitrella patens, B. and S. — parvifolium, Warnst. Splachnum ampullaceum, L. — squarrosum var. subsquarrosum, Russ. Amblyodon dealbatus, P. Beauv. — medium, Limpr. var. violascens, Warnst. Philonotis casspitosa, Wils. — papillosum, Lindb. var. normale, Warnst. Bryum lacustre, Brid. — tenellum, Ehrh. — pendulum, Schp. — intermedium, HofFm. — turbinatum, Schwgr. — cuspidatum, Ehrh. Mnium affine var. rugicum, B. and S. Buxbaumia aphylla, L. — subglobosum, B. and S. Polytrichum aloides var. Dicksoni, Wallm. Pterygophyllum lucens, Brid. Campylopus brevipilus, B. and S. Antitrichia curtipendula, Brid. Fissidens decipiens, De Not. Camptothecium nitens, Schp. Rhacomitrium lanuginosum, Brid. Brachythecium glareosum, B. and S. — canescens, Brid. — plumosum, B. and S. Phascum cuspidatum var. piliferum, Hook. Eurhynchium abbreviatum, Schp. and Tayl. — pumilum, Schp. Pottia recta. Mitt. Hypnum polygamum, var. minus, Schp. — bryoides. Mitt. — lycopodioides, Schwgr. — Starkeana, C. MUll. — vernicosum, Lindb. — Heimii, Filrnr. — uncinatum, Hedwr. Tortula marginata, Spr. — scorpioides, L. — rigida, Schrad. — cordifolium, Hedw. — ruraliformis, Dixon — giganteum, Schp. Trichostomum flavovirens, Bruch — stramineum, Dicks. Ulota crispa, Brid. Hylocomium rugosum, De Not. LIVERWORTS {Hepaticce) The history of botanical research in Norfolk as regards the Hepatics or liverworts is on very parallel lines with that of the mosses. Briefly put it attained a brilliant position in the early part of the century and has been dormant ever since. This branch of botany found, in addition to Hooker, Dawson Turner, etc., an indefatigable worker in the Rev. R. B. Francis of Holt, whose careful search resulted in the discovery for the first time in Britain of several species, and whose name has been commemorated by Hooker in the British y ungermannice in the following terms : . ' Jung. Francisci, Hook. About Holt and Edgefield. I gladly take the opportunity of distinguishing the present species by the name of its discoverer, my friend the Rev. R. B. Francis, who has so successfully investigated the vicinity of his residence in search of the plants of this genus, and has so kindly and liberally communicated to me numerous specimens and much valuable information respecting them.' This species is now known as Cephalozia Francisci. Other discoveries of the same botanist were C. divaricata (Sm.), Lophocolea heterophylla (Schrad.), "Jung, gracilis (Schleich.), and y. exsecta (Schmid.), all of which were first recorded in Britain by this keen-sighted observer. The number of species at present recorded for the county falls short of 45, which, out of a total of 220 as given in the most recent catalogue, can only be considered as very inadequately representing the real distri- bution of these plants. The writer is much indebted to Mr, W. H. Pearson for placing at 66