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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK In Wasingaford [VVashingford '] I freeman of the same Edwin's [eiusdim diin)^ (holding) 30 acres, and 2 bordars. The soke is in the hun- dred. And under him 6 freemen of the same (holding) 16 acres. Then as now 2 ploughs, 4 acres of meadow, and I mill. f. 204. In SisLANDA [Sisland] I freeman of the same (Edwin) with 3 acres. In Alcmuntona [ '] 3 freemen of the same (Edwin) of 8 acres of land. Now as then they plough with 3 oxen. The soke is in the hundred, and all these freemen render 20 shil- lings. Altmuntona [ ^] is 6 furlongs in length and 3 in breadth and (renders) 6 pence of geld whoever holds there. Torp [ ] is I league in length and a half in breadth and (renders) 4^ pence of geld whoever holds there. HUNDRET OF EnSFORDA [EvNESFORD] Sparham [Sparham] was held by Edwin, a freeman, T.R.E., now G[odric] (holds it) of the king (as) 2 ploughlands. Then as now 2 villeins and 16 bordars. Then and afterwards 2 serfs, now I. Then and afterwards 2 ploughs on the demesne, now 3. Then 4 ploughs be- longing to the men, afterwards and now 2, and 6 acres of meadow and half a mill. Wood(land) for 100 swine. When (Godric) received it (there were) 2 rounceys, now 3 ; now as then [semper) 7 beasts and 28 swine. Then 60 sheep, now 80 : now 10 hives of bees. And a freeman (has) 30 acres of land, i acre of meadow, now as then half a plough. (There is) I church (holding) 40 acres, and 6 acres of wood(land). Then and afterwards it was worth 60 shillings, now 100 shillings, and is I league in length and 10 fur- longs in breadth, and renders 8^ pence of geld. In Binetre [Bintree] 2 freemen (with) 20 acres of land and 2 acres of meadow : then as now I plough. And it is worth 3 shillings. HUNDRF.T OF TaVRESHAM [TaVERHAM] In Besetuna [Beeston] l freeman (with) 30 acres, half a plough, and 2 acres of meadow, and it is worth 2 shillings. The king and the earl have the soke. Hundret of Humiliart [Humbleyard] Meltuna [Melton, (Great)] was held by Ed win a the2;n T.R.E. (as) 2 ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 9 villeins and 5 bordars and 4 serfs. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards I, now 2. Then 3 ploughs belonging to the men, afterwards and now 2. VVood(land) for 60 swine (and) 20 acres of meadow. Then as now i mill. ' In Burgh Apton. ' Prob.ibly for ejusdem EJteini. ' Identified by Blomefield with Mundham. Hisl. of Norf. X, 116. Then I rouncey, now 2 ; then as now 10 beasts and 13 swine. Now 40 sheep : 3 hives of bees. And (there are) 9 freemen (holding) by fold-soke [iocufalde) and commendation only 50 acres. £ 2a4b Then as now 2 ploughs and 3 acres ot meadow.

  • The king and the earl (have) the soke, and it is

worth 8 shillings. And the manor was then worth 6 pounds, afterwards lOO shillings, now 7 pounds. And 4 freemen (hold) by commen- dation only 30 acres of land. Then as now 1 plough and i^ acres of meadow, and it is worth 5 shillings. In Hederseta [Hethersett] (there are) 9 free- men (holding) 43 acres by commendation and fold-soke only. Then as now i plough and 2 acres of meadow, and it is worth 5 shillings. Little Meltuna [Little Melton] was held by Edwin T.R.E. from St. Benet, and on such terms {ita) that he had granted it to the abbot after his death. Then as now 2 ploughlands and 3 bordars and one serf, and 2 ploughs on the demesne ; 3 acres of meadow. Then as now I rouncey and 5 beasts. Now 15 swine and 90 sheep. It was then worth 40 shillings, after- wards 60, now 4 pounds. To this manor belong (adjacent) now as then 12 freemen (holding), by commmendation and fold-soke only, half a plough- land and 3 acres. Then as now 3 ploughs and 3 acres of meadow. And it is worth 20 shillings. In these two Meltons [Meltunis) 1 ploughland was held by a freeman who was also a thegn [quidam liber homo teinus etiam) T.R.E. as a manor [pro manerlo). Then (there were) 3 villeins and I plough on the demesne, and half a plough be- longing to the men. This is held by Godric, and was held when Ralf suffered forfeiture {quando R. fecit), a.nd it is included in the valuation (est in pretio) of the two manors [de duohus maneriis). In Meltuna [Melton] (there are) 9 freemen (holding) by commendation only 1 10 acres. Then as now 2 bordars. Then 3^^ ploughs, now 4 ; 55- acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 4 swine. It was then worth 23 shillings, now 30 (shillings) and 8 pence. And Little Melton [Parva Mal- tuna) is 10 furlongs in length and 5 in breadth, and (renders) 8:^ pence [et i ferdinc) geld. In CoLNEiA [Colney] Walter holds 1 8 freemen by commendation only and 30 acres (as) li plough- lands, and 2 bordars. Then (there were) 5 ploughs, now 4, and 7 acres of meadow and I mill. And I freeman (was) under the predecessor {sub ante) of Roger Bigot by commendation only. And he holds half an acre of land which he bought {inercatus est) after Ralf suffered for- feiture [foris fecit), out of Roger's land. It was then worth 30 shillings, now 40, and is 8 furlongs in length and 8 in breadth, and (renders) 8 J pence £305. (et i ferding) geld. ' Repeated. 126