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HOLDERS OF LANDS 4 bordars. Then 2 ploughs, now i ^, and 3 acres of meadow. And i sokeman (with) 3 acres of land. It was then worth 10 shillings, now 8. And Brantuna [Brampton] is 6 furlongs in length and 5 in breadth, and (renders) 5^ pence of geld. In Belaga [Belaugh] (there is) i freeman of Harold {Heroldi) (with) I ploughland and 1 1 acres. Then (there was) i plough, now a half, and 3 acres of meadow. There also is i soke- man (who was) Ralf Stalra's T.R.E. (with) 15 acres, and he is worth 2 shillings, (and he is included) in Houetuna [Hoveton]. This the same Ralf (Stalra) gave to St. Benet, and Eudo took it away {eum tulit). Now Ralf de Belfago has it. In Belaga [Belaugh] (are) 22 acres of land (belonging) to 7 sokemen. Then (they had) 2 ploughs, afterwards and now I, and they are worth 8 shillings. Ralph Stalra and Stigand (had) the soke ; and Ralf gave his share to St. Benet. The whole of Belaga [Belaugh] is 9 furlongs in length, and 3^^ in breadth, and (renders) 6 pence of geld. In Sce[n]gutuna [Skeyton] (are) iij acres (belonging to) I sokeman of St. Benet, and he is worth 17 pence. Radboda, RalPs reeve, took him from the abbey under Eudo, RalPs prede- cessor. In Hohbowessa [Hautbois, (Little)] (is) half a ploughland (belonging to) I sokeman of St. Benet. Then as now (there were) 4 bordars and I plough and 2 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 20 swine, and half a mill. It was then worth 10 shillings, now 12. This land Eudo had given to him (de I'lheratione) as Ralf says. Obwessa [Hautbois] is 6 furlongs in length and 4 in breadth, and (renders) 2 pence of geld. In Lamers (Lammas) (are) 20 acres (belonging to) I freewoman.^ Then as now (there was) I bordar. And it is included in the valuation («/ in pretio) of Buchestuna [Buxton]. In Ult[er]tuna [Wolterton] Turold, a free- man, held 30 acres of land T.R.E. Then as now (there were) 3 bordars and I plough. And it is worth 10 shillings. The king and the earl (have) the soke. In ScoTOHOu [Scottow] (are) 3 freemen of St. Benet (with) 30 acres, and now as then half a plough. And they are worth 3 shillings. Hundret [of] Tunesteda [Tunstead] In Slaleia [Sloley] i sokeman of St. Benet (has) I ploughland. Then as now (there were) 12 villeins and 8 bordars, and 2|- ploughs and 6 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 120 swine. ' Substituted for ' man.' And 3 sokemen (with) 16 acres. Then as now (they had) half a plough. And it is worth 40 shillings. And it is 6 furlongs in length and 5 furlongs in breadth, and (renders) l pence of geld. (There is) i church (with) i acre, and it is worth 2 pence. Hundret [of] Humiliart [Humbleyard] Molkeb[er]tuna [Mulbarton] is held by Richard, which Ordinc, a thegn, held T.R.E. (as) 2 ploughlands. Then and afterwards (there were) 10 villeins, now 7. Then (there were) 7 bordars, now 16. Then (there were) 2 serfs, now I. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne, and 2 ploughs belonging to the men ; 10 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 16 swine. Then as now I mill, now i rouncey. Then i beast, now 6 swine. And 6 sokemen (with) 60 acres. Then as now (they had) li ploughs. And in Cari.e- TUNA [Carlton, (East)] Richard [idem) holds 4 free- men, and in Suerdestuna [Swardeston] he {idem) holds 7. In all [inter totum) 56 acres. Then as now (they had) i^ ploughs and 2 acres of meadow. Then and afterwards (Mulbarton) was worth 60 shillings, now 100. And the freemen ^ are worth 6 shillings. And it is 6 fur- longs in length and 5 in breadth, and (renders) 6 pence of geld. (There is) i church (with) 15 (acres), and it is worth 2 shillings. In Molkeb[er]tuna [Mulbarton] he also [idem) holds I freeman, under Stigand by commendation only (with) 30 acres. Then (he had) 2 ploughs and I acre of meadow. Then as now he was worth 20 shillings. f. 330. Markeshalla [Markshall] was held by Goduin, a freeman of Stigand (as) 2 ploughlands. Then (there were) I2 villeins, afterwards and now 1 1 . Then (there were) 8 bordars, after- wards and now 7. Then as afterwards 2 serfs, now I . Then 2 ploughs on the demesne, after- wards I, and now 2. Then as now 5 ploughs belonging to the men ; 16 acres of meadow, and then as now 2^ mills. Now 2 rounceys and 4 beasts and 20 swine. Then 4 sheep, now 24. And I freeman (with) 8|^ acres of land. Then as now (he had) half a plough. It was then worth 100 shillings, afterwards 8 pounds, now 1 1 pounds. (There is) i church (with) 6 acres and it is worth 12 pence. And it is 6 furlongs in length and 5 in breadth, and (renders) 6^ pence of geld. The king and the earl (have) the soke of the freemen. In Dunestuna [Dunston] (is) I freeman (with) 6 acres. And he is included in the valuation [est in pretio) of Merkeshala [Markshall]. Hundret [of] Clavelinga [Clavering] Thurketeliart [ ' ] was held by I freeman of Stigand (as) 2 ploughlands. Then ' Repeated. ^ Probably in Aldeby. See Blomcfield, op. cit. viii, 4.. 53 20