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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK There also (were) 6^ freemen T.R.E., now yh, who hold I ploughland. Then as now (they had) 2 bordars, and I plough, (and) 9 acres of meadow. In B[er]tuna [Barton (Bendish)] Ailid, a freewoman, held 2 ploughlands T.R.E. and 2 ploughs. Then as now (there were) 4 villeins and 7 bordars. Then 4 serfs : 20 acres of meadow. When Ralf (received it there were) 2 rounceys, now 3. Then 2 beasts. Then 60 swine, now 15. Then 140 sheep {b'), now 40. Then and afterwards it was worth 80 shillings, now 60 shillings. (There is) i church (with) 24 acres and (it is worth) 2 shillings. To this manor belong {adjacent) now as then 4 men with {df) all custom, and other 4 at soke only. And they have l plough and 6 acres of meadow. It was then worth 20 shillings, now 30. ScuLDEHAM [Shouldham] was held by Ailid T.R.E. Then as now (there were) 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then 2 ploughs belonging to the men, now ij. Then 14 villeins, now 15. (Then) 2 bordars, now 12. Then 4 serfs as now [semper), and 10 acres of meadow, and f of a mill, and I fishery. Then 2 rounceys, now i. Then 6 beasts. Then 16 swine, now 9. Then 60 sheep, now 50. (There are) 2 churches (with) 73 acres and (they are worth) 6 shillings and I penny. It was then worth 7 pounds, and (the same) now. In the other Sculdeham [? Shouldham Thorpe] Ailid held 2 ploughlands in demesne. Then (there were) 8 villeins, now 6. f. 351. Then 7 bordars, now 6. Then 4 serfs, 10 acres of meadow, and i saltpan. Then as now 1 plough belonging to the men. Then 2 rounceys, and 15 swine, and 60 sheep, now nothing. It was then worth 100 shillings, now 8 pounds. To this manor belong {jacent) 15 sokemen with [de) 23 acres. Then as now (they had) half a plough, and they are included in the above valuation {sunt in superior! censu). The whole of Sculdeham [Shouldham] is i league in length and a half in breadth, and renders 12 pence in {de) 20 shillings of the king's geld. In Carboistorp [? Shouldham Thorpe '] and in ToTTENHELLA [Tottenhill] 22|- freemen with {de) no acres (were) tenants of Ailid T.R.E. Then as now (they had) i plough and they are worth 40 shillings. The whole is 4 furlongs in length and 3 in breadth, and renders 6 pence of geld. This (Ralf) claims {reclamat) by way of exchange. WiGGHENHAM [Wiggenhall] was held by Ailid (as) 2 ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 13 villeins and 11 bordars. Then (there were) 5 serfs. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne, and I J- ploughs belonging to the men, and half a mill, and i fishery, and 20 acres of meadow. Then 2 rounceys, and (the same) now. Then 5 beasts, now 4. Then as now 20 swine. Then 400 sheep, now 160. It was then worth 6 pounds, now 12. BuCHETUNA [Boughton] was held by Ailid (as) I ploughland. Then (there were) 5 bordars, now 7. Then I serf. Then as now i plough on the demesne. Then I plough belonging to the men, now a half ; and 6 acres of meadow. Then as now i rouncey and I cow. Then 11 swine; then as now 100 sheep. And (there is) 1 church (with) 20 acres and (worth) 20 pence. And (the whole) is worth 40 shillings. To this manor belong by soke {jacent ad sokani) 7 sokemen with {de) 30 acres of land, and 4 acres of meadow, and I plough. And they are worth 10 shillings. In Stoches [Stoke (Ferry)] (there are) 13 free- men at soke {ad socam). Then as now (they had) 6 bordars, and I fishery, and 2 ploughs. And they are worth 60 shillings. The fourth part of a church (has) 5 acres, and is worth 5 pence. And another church (has) 37 acres (and is worth) 27 pence. This (Ralf) claims {reclamat) by way of exchange. In Phordham [Fordham] 30 acres are held by 3 freemen with I bordar {tenent Hi. i. bor' Uheri homines). They are included in the above valuation {Appretiati sunt superius). In Dereham [Dereham, (West)] Lovel {luvel- lus) holds I ploughland and i plough. Then as now (there was) 1 villein. Out of this {De hoc) St. Benethad 20 shillings T.R.E., as the hundret f. 251b. bears witness. There belong {adjacent) to this manor 50 acres which freemen held T.R.E. Then (they had) i^ ploughs, now i plough. And it is worth 10 shillings. Of these (freemen) St. Benet has the soke. The whole of Stokes [Stoke (Ferry)] is 6 furlongs in length and 4 in breadth, and renders 6i^ pence, whoever holds there. In Hekeswella^ [Beechamwell] (there are) 12 freemen with {de) 1 ploughland, and 4 vil- leins. Then (there were) 3 ploughs, after- wards (and) now 2 : 10 acres of meadow ; wood(land) for 20 swine. Then as now they were worth 40 shillings. W[illiam] de Warenne claims {reclamat) one of these (freemen) and vouches the feoffor {revocat liberatorem). He claims this {hoc) by way of exchange {pro escangio). The whole of Becheswella [Beecham- well] is half a league in length and (the same) in breadth, and renders 8 pence in {de) 20 shil- lings of geld. ' Blomefield, vii, 427. ' In error for ' Bekeswella.' 174