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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK manor (of) 3 ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 6 villeins and 5 bordars. Then 2 serfs, now none. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne, and 2 ploughs belonging to the men, and 6 acres of meadow and half a mill. Wood(land) for 1 00 swine. When he re- ceived it (there were) 9 swine, now 6 sheep and 25 goats. And 3 sokemen (have) 20 acres of land. Then as now half a plough. Then and afterwards it was worth 60 shillings, and now 4 pounds. Erpincham Sud [South Erpingham] HUNDRET. ToRP [(Bacons)thorpe] is held by Osbert, where Ulvric, a freeman of Guerd, held 2 ploughlands T.R.E. Then as now (there were) 3 villeins and 10 bordars. Then 2 serfs, now I. Then 3 ploughs on the demesne, now 2. Then as now i|^ ploughs belonging to the men, and I church with {de) 30 acres in frankalmoin {elemoslna). Then (there was) f. 255b. wood(land) for 40 swine, now 30. Then as now 2 rounceys and 17 swine. Then 100 sheep, now 80 ; and 40 goats. And (there is) I sokeman (with) 8 acres. Then as now (he had) half a plough. Then as now it was worth 30 shillings. And it is 6 furlongs in length and 5 in breadth, and (renders) 6f pence of geld. HuNDRET OF ClAVDINGA [ClAVERING] In NoRTUNA [Norton (Subcourse)] (Robert) also [idem) holds 1 2 acres of the demesne of Lodues [Loddon], and it is worth 12 pence. In Naruestuna [ ] (there are) 4 acres of land, and (there was) I freeman, Ulvric by name, T.R.E. ; and it is worth 4 pence. HuNDRET OF ErPINGEHAM NoRTH In ToRP [Thorpe (Market)] Osbert holds 7 freemen [liberi hominrs) with [de) 40 acres of land (and) I acre of meadow. Then as now (there was) I plough. And it is worth 12 shillings. HuNDRET OF LoTHNINGA [LoDDON] In LoTHNA [Loddon] Osbert holds i^ plough- lands where Ulvric, a freeman, held T.R.E. Then as now (there were) 2 villeins and 12 bordars. Then i serf. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then and afterwards 2 ploughs belonging to the men, now i|^. Wood(land) for 20 swine, and 4 acres of meadow, and half a mill. Now 3 horses in the homestead [aula), and 4 beasts. Then 100 sheep, now 60. Then 10 swine, now 21 ; and I sokeman with 10 acres. Then as now I plough between (them) all. Then and afterwards it was worth 20 shil- lings, now 40. The king and the earl (have) the soke. In Lathaham [? Loddon '] (are) 4 acres of land. It is (included) in (the above) valuation of 40 shillings. f. 356- XXXIIII. THE LANDS OF PETER DE VALOGNES [VALONIENSIS] ■ HuNDRET AND A HALF OF FrEDREBRUGE [Freebridge] Babinkeleia [Babingley] is held by William, which Tort, a freeman, held T.R.E., for a manor of i ploughland. (There are) 4 villeins and 1 5 bordars, and 5 serfs, and 1 6 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 60 swine. Then (there were) 2 ploughs on the demesne, after- wards and now I. Then 3 ploughs belonging to the men, afterwards and now 2 ; and the half of 2 mills, and 5 saltpans. When he received [cec^) it I rouncey. Then 10 beasts, now 8. Then 12 swine, now 13. Then 160 sheep, now 177. To this manor belong [Hie jacent) 7 sokemen (with) 6 acres of land. Then as now (they had) I plough. But of these [Tarn' exh't') Stigand had the soke. The whole is worth 40 shillings. The whole is 2 leagues in length and I league in breadth whoever holds there, and renders 2 shillings of (every) 20 shil- lings of geld. Dersincham [Dersingham] was held by i freeman T.R.E. for a manor. Then as now (there were) 2 ploughs on the demesne and 7 villeins and 4 bordars. Then and afterwards 4 serfs, now 2, and j^ acres of meadow, and I plough belonging to the men, and i saltpan. Then 5 rounceys, now I. Then 3 beasts and 18 swine and 300 sheep, now nothing. There also Anant, a freeman, holds 2 plough- lands in demesne for a manor. Then as now (there were) 1^ ploughs, and 30 villeins and 6 bordars and 7 serfs, and 18 acres of meadow, and I mill and i fishery, and i saltpan. Then 6 rounceys, now 5. Then 4 beasts and (the same) now. Then 40 swine, now 21. Then 560 sheep, now 646 (?) [de cxivi). In Appletuna [Appleton] Turgis holds i outlying estate, which belongs, now as then, to this manor (and consists of) I ploughland, and I plough on the demesne. Then and after- wards (there were) 3 bordars, now 5, and 7^ acres of meadow. Then and afterwards (there was) I serf. Then 100 sheep, now 2 sheep. The whole (of Dersingham) is worth 15 pounds, but yet [tm^) it renders 17 pounds and 13 shil- lings. The whole of Dersincham [Dersingham] f. 256b. is I league in length and a half in breadth, who- ' Blomefield (x, 156) suggests that this is for ' Loth- n.-iham,' i.e. Loddon. ' In margin n — aon [fecit retornum) ; see Introduc- tion, p. 2. [78