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THE DANEGELD IN NORFOLK 1195 SoDTH Greenhoe Hdndred (14 Leets) — continued Docking Hundred 237 202 237 Place Brought forward Langford . . Gooderstona . Bodney . . . Measurement im X Jm ilxjl il less 2{x 4f 5. d. s. d 17 3 4 I 5 I I 8 I 9 20 5 Grimshoe Hundred 1366 251* 2666 igi6 2386 242 242 1626 163 2136 1626 1616 213 136 1626 2136 Croxton . . Sturston . . Stanford . . West Tofts BuckenhamTofts Ickburgh . . Lynford . , Colveston . . Cranwich . . Mundford . . Weeting . . Wilton . . . Feltwell . . Methwold . . Ottering Hythe Northwold ilxil ilx Jl ilx Jl ilxjl ilx Jl ilxjf

  • fx4f

5fx4f 7IX4I llxjl ilxjl llxil Ijlxjl 2lx|l 3fx3f llxjl d. s. d. I

II I 3 I 5 8 8 4 5i. 94 — I 3 II I 2 I S 2 6* 2 04 4 2 6:^ 18 5j Wayland Hundred 2326 Ashill . . . no Sahara Toney 1636 Threxton . . L . 174 i Tottmgton. 252 Merton . . , 174 ! Watton . . . 1636 Caston . . . 126 Stow Bedoa , 1106 Breckles . . 1 1636 Rockland St. I Peter 126 268 2656 Little EUingham Scoulton . . . Carbrooke . . . Jlx il l^lxll lof X Jl 2I X ll llxjl llxil iixii 2lxil llxjl 6fx4f ijl X I Jl lilxil 8f X Jl d. s. d. s. 1 3 2 6 I 3 5 I 3 I 3 2 II loj I 3 I 3 I 3 3 loi 3 9 15 li SiMETHDEN HUNDRED 1916 1736 2656 2I5() 1356 163 1936 193* 2566 Thornhara Hunstanton . Ringstead . . Ringstead H . Hunstanton II Heacham . . Sedgeford . . ,, (Freemen) Ingoldisthorpe . ilxAl llxll ilxJl ijlxil llxJl llx Jl llx ll llxil

  • ixBf

S. d. s. 2 O I 4 3 6 6 5i 5i iS 5j 2156 24s 143 1516 222) 226 > 2256 143 2446 Place Brancaster (? in- cluding Titch- well) Docking . . . Stanhoe . . . Fring . . . . Great Bircham . Bircham Newton Bircham Tofts . Shernborne . . Measurement llxJl llxjl ilx4f ilxjl ilxil Jlxjl ll X 4f llxjl s. d. 2 4 2* 3 3 10 2 3 17 7 Brothercross Hundred 1696 Barmer . . . 3fx2f 6* 145* Syderstone . . lofxSf I I 1696 Tatterset . . . Jlx4f I I 1 1 16 Dunton .... ilxjl I I III6 Pudding Norton . 3fx2jf 6i I I 2626 Tatterford . . Jlx3f 35 257 Great Ryburgh . 7fx5f 9i I I 170 Shereford . . . 3fx3f 94 170 Hempton . . . 2fx2f 44 I 2 6 7 122 Rainhara . . . llx3f I 8 2376 South Rainham . 6fx3f 10 122 Helhoughton . . 4fx3f 10 1 8 3 4 1696 Rudham . . . llxil 4 3 237 Burnham West- eate .... measured in Gallow H. 3 1916 Colkirki . . . 5fx4f II 257 Toft Trees . . . 4fx3f I 3 19 4 s. d. s. d. Gallow Hundred 169 237 1686 168 1686 168 III 2326 257 1686 1686 169 257 III 191 Burnham Thorpe South Creake Waterden . . Barsham . . Sculthorpe . Fakenham . . Pensthorpe . Little Snoring Kettlestone, &c. Fulmodeston . Croxton . . Little Ryburgh Stibbard . . Saxlingham (now in Holt H.) ijlxil ilx il 3f X 2f 41x41 no separate measurement 41x41 7fxil 4fx3f 41 X 3f . measured in Barsham 4fx3f 2f X if 3fx2f 3f X 2f 7fx5f d. s. d. 3 4 I 6 6 19 1 The 6gures suggest that Colkirk may have been grouped with Rainham and Toft Trees with Burnham Westgate, giving three groups of 4s. 3d. 205