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ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY that is not inclusive of cathedral dignitaries who were displaced.' Of these it was said of Edmond Porter, prebendary of Norwich, and rector of Hevingham, who lived to see the Restoration, and only died in 1670, that 'he had pro- voked the party more than any of his brethren.' Perhaps nothing could explain so well the remarkable revulsion of feeling produced by the actual ac- cession to power of the puritan party (a revulsion strong enough to bring it about that in 1660, Norwich was among the earhest cities to do homage to Charles, and in June presented him with 1000;'/ in gold and the fee farm of the city), than the spirit and methods exemplified by these ejections, most of them for political reasons. When the ordinance came out** that no sequestered minister should be allowed to teach a private school, there was nothing but penury left for most of them, and the widows and families of many had to be relieved by charity, some even coming upon the parish. It is interesting to see that when Norfolk and Suffolk appeared among the eleven counties who petitioned for the abolition of episcopacy, Norfolk obtained 2,000 signatures to Suffolk's 4,400 ;' and that when in 1653, the failure of State Presbytery and the neglect of ordinary church ordinances led to the formation of voluntary associations to deal with such questions as the want of means of ordination and of such modified discipline as would satisfy the clerical conscience, and enable them to administer the sacrament, Norfolk soon mustered a considerable number of members.'* ' Walker, Sufferings of the Clergy. Dean Hassall (who died in such extreme poverty that one of his daughters was maintained by the parish) ; Dr. Andrew Bing, D.D., archdeacon of Norwich ; Robert White, B.D., archdeacon of Norfolk ; Prebendaries John Spendlow, M.A., Dr. Nicholas Howlet, D.D., Samuel Garey, B.D., Foulke Roberts, Dr. Edward Young, D.D., and Edmund Porter, D.D. Parochial clergy : Richard Anguish (Starston and Staring), Christopher Barnard (Dickleboro'), William Barwick (Hempnall), Thomas Bissing (Ighboro'), Robert Blowfield (Thorpe), Thomas Blofield (Axlenton), Thomas Botolph (Larlingford and Hackcnham), Jo. Bretton (East Dereham), Matthew Brooke (Yarmouth), Brown (Fowlesham), Brown (Weston Longvile), Nath. Browne (Hunworth), Burton (Fowlsham cum Themilthorp), Thomas Campbell (Swafield), Stephen Carter (Horsford), Edward Catherall (Larbruck), Catlin (Brinton), Robert Claphamson (Boughton), Hammon Claxton (Holt), Coleby, D.D. (Cawston), Thomas Cooper (Edgefield), Thomas Craushay (Hardwick), Richard Davenport (Feltwell St. Nicholas), John Davy (Reningham), Edward Dobbs (Great Snoring), Edmond Duncon (Swannington), Daniel Dan (Felthorp), the vicar of Great EUing- ham (name unknown), William Eaton (Drayton), George Fawcet (Beesingham), Nathaniel Flick (Hardingham), John Forth (Swainsthorp), Edward Franklin (Great Cressingham), the rector of Gaverston (name unknown), Thomas Displin (curate of St. Sepulchre's, Norwich), Nathaniel Gill (Barrow), John Greenwood (Brampton), Stephen Harry (Aldboro'), Christopher Hatley (Morningthorp), John Hcmbling (Hickling and Palling), John Henson (Terrington St. Clements), Richard Howes (Knapton), Richard Kendal, Robert Leneane (Scottow), John Lethwaitc (St. Peter's, Rockland), William Lock (Bunwell), Lock (Norwich), Richard Subbitt (Swanton Abbott), Thomas Lushington (Burnham Westgate), Merryweather (Stratton St. Michael and Tasboro'), John Moor (Wacton), William Morton (West Lexham and Rougham), Pike (All Saints, Rockland), Richard Plummer (Alby and Susted), Thomas Reeve (Aldboro' and Coleby), Charles Riggs (Thwaite), John Scambler (Rackheath), Barnabas Shepherd (Ranworth), Nicholas Shepherd (Kirkby Beddon), Nicholas Sherwood (Earsham), Richard Slyn (Binham), Thomas Smith (Lackenham), Nic. Staines (Filby), Henry Starling (Homersfield), Thomas Stokes (Carleton Road and Heigham), Talbot (Melton), Richard or Nicholas Taylor (Stanfield), Tenison (Moundslcy), Robert Tite (St. Julian's), Thomas Tabbing (Bayfield), John Ward (EUingham Parva), John Watson (Kirkby Cane), Henry Watts (Wheatacre All Saints), Thomas Watts (St. An- drews, Rockland), Wayte (North Wootton), Hugh Williams (Fornset), Thomas Wilson (Fulmodeston), Wythe (Postwick) ; Prebendary Edmond Porter was also ejected from the rectory of Hevingham and Prebendary Foulke Roberts from the rectory of St. Clement in Norwich. ' On 29 August, 1654, was published the ordinance for the ejcctionof scandalous, ignorant, and insufficient ministers and schoolmasters. The ministers appointed to assist the commissioners for Norfolk and Norwich were Mr. Wm. Bridges, John Brinsley of Yarmouth, John Martin of Edgefield, John Money of Wymondham, Timothy Armitage of Norwich, Charles Frank ofThetford, Nathaniel Brewster of Aldby, Edmund Broome of Southreppes, Mr. Breviter, Samuel Smith of Sidestrond or Sistern, Mr. Harmer of Saxlingham, Israel Shipdham of Swaffham, Thomas Thorowgood, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Hogan of Lyn, Edward Corbet, Mr. CoUings of Norwich, Mr. Peck of Hingham, John Newton of Great Dunham, and William Hall of Eveningham. ' Shaw, Hist, of the Engl. Ch. during the Cit'il JVar, i, 26.

  • Ibid, ii, 153, 161.