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THE NORTHAMPTONSHIRE SURVEY In Blatherwyk Robert Fitz Hugh and Richard Dengayne 2 hides.' In BoLEWYK [Bulwick] are 2 hides. In Henewvk [Henwick] Viel [Fitalis) Lovet half a hide. In Deen [Dene] Ralf Fitz Nigel 2 hides (and) a half of the fee of Westm[inster].* In Neweton' and in Acle [Oakley] 2 hides (and) a half of the fee of king David.^ There also William de Houton ' l hide (and) a half and i great virgate of the fee of king In Little Acle [Oakley] William Fitz Alvr[ed] 3 virgates of the fee of Montacute (^Montis acuti). In Geytinton [Geddington] the King i hide and i great virgate.* There also i hide and I great virgate of the fee of St. Ed- mond.* In Wycle [Weekley] 2 hides and a half of the fee of the count de Warren' de Mor- teyn ® {sic). In Boketon' [Boughton] i half {sic) of the fee of St. Edmund.' ' Held of Robert de Buci by ' Norman ' in io86. His under-tenants were ' Hugh ' (father of Robert Fitz Hugh ?) and William (Engayne ?).

  • They are assigned to Westminster Abbey

in Domesday. ' Domesday assigns to Countess Judith 6 virgates and li bovates in Newton and i| hides and i virgate in Oakley, which would give a total of 3-j^ hides for the two. The holdings of this fee above amount to i^ hides. But Domesday also assigns to Gunfrei de ' Cioches ' there 3 virgates and 1 4- bovates, which would raise the total to the same amount as in this Survey.

  • A ' member ' of Brigstock, as i hide, in


  • So also in Domesday.
  • This interesting combination points to

1150-1160. Asa Crown manor in 1086, it must have been alienated by Henry I. to Stephen or by Stephen to his son William (earl de Warcnnc and count of Mortain). It is certain from the Pipe Roll of 11 30 that Stephen, then count of Mortain, had been given land in the county before that date. ' 'dim' may be an error for * hid,' as St. Edmund held one hide there in 1086. In KiRKEBY I virgate of the fee of Humfrey de Bassingburn.* In Stanerne [Stanion] i virgate (and) a half of the socage of Bristok'.* In CoREBY and in Gretton and in Brix- STOKE [Brigstock] are 10 hides.*" HUNDRED OF WYLEBROK In Lodington' [Lutton] Ralf Fitz William 2 hides and a half of the fee of (Peter)borough." There also the abbot of Ramsey half a hide.'* In Aylington [Elton], of the socage of (Peter)borough, I hide and a half There also William Fitz Ketelber[n] half a hide of the fee of Rameseye.'^ In Wermington' [Warmington] the abbot of (Peter)borough i hide." In Elmenton' [Elmington] the abbot of Croylaund i hide.'* In Tanesouere [Tansor] Hacuil de Sancto Jacobo 5 hides and the third part of I hide.'* There also Salomon two-thirds of i hide of the fee of the earl of Warewyk."

  • Held by Richard (de Engaine) in 1086.

^ Similarly appurtenant to Brigstock in 1086. '" Domesday assigns to the King's manors of Gretton, Corby, and Brigstock 3I hides, i| hides, and 3^ hides respectively, making 8| hides in all. " Ralf was, apparently, son of that William who held these 2^ hides of Peterborough Abbey in 1086. " So also in Domesday. " Domesday assigns to Peterborough Abbey

hides, and to Ramsey Abbey i hide in 
  • Adelintone,' which I identify as Elton. (See

note on p. 313.) '* This is the ' i hide ' in Warmington of which Domesday expressly says that it ' be- lonsis to Walebroc ' [Willibrook Hundred]. It was held of the Abbey by '2 knights' in 1086 (see p. 315). '* So also in Domesday. '^ Crown demesne in Domesday as 6 hides. Hasculf de St. James (-sur-Beuvron) had thus secured 5^ hides of these. See Introduction to this Survey (p. 362) for Hasculf. " The earl of Warwick (doubtless the supporter of Henry I.) had secured the rest .^87