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INSECTS COLEOPTERA (Beetles) The materials from which the subsequent list has been compiled are mainly as follows : (i) R. Garner's Natural History cf the County of Stafford, 1844, with a supplement dated 1860, containing a list of 171 species in all ; most of these are species of ubiquitous occurrence, and the identifications in some cases are almost certainly wrong. Garner had the assistance of Messrs. Finder and J. B. Davis in drawing up his list of Coleoptera, and says (p. 241) that to Mr. Davis he is indebted to a considerable extent for the list. (2) A list in Fauna of the Neighbourhood of Burton on Trent by Edwin Brown (J. Van Voorst), 1863. This contains 623 species, mostly collected in Staffordshire, but a few are from Derbyshire only, the district round Burton embracing portions of both counties. (3) A list of ' Coleoptera collected in the Neighbourhood of Burton,' by H. W. 'Bates, in the Zoologist for 1848, p. 1997, noting 77 species. (4) A list of 491 species by Mr. L. H. Jahn in the Report of the N. Staffs. Field Club, 1904-5, pp. 73-90, and a supplementary list of 93 species, i.e., 1906-7, p. 81-5. Nearly all Mr. Jahn's material has been through my hands. It includes several purely northern forms introduced in timber for the pits, but as several of these seem to be establishing them- selves in the Hanley neighbourhood, it is better to include them. I have been able to supplement these lists considerably from scattered records in Fowler's British Coleoptera and in the Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, as well as from a small list of captures at Cheadle by Mr. Johnston. It is hoped that the county list thus compiled, though very imperfect, especially in the Staphylinidae and Curculionidae, will act as a useful basis and stimulus for further collecting. Where no authority for the record is given, it is to be understood that it stands on the authority of Mr. Brown (Burton), Canon Fowler, or myself (Cannock Chase and Needwood Forest) ; Mr. Jahn (Hanley and Swynnerton) or Mr. Johnston (Cheadle). Otherwise the author's name is invariably given. Species whose occurrence in the county seems, for various reasons, to need confirmation, are inclosed in square brackets [ ]. Absence of locality points to general distribution, inferred at present rather than ascertained. ClCINDELlDAE Cicindela campestris, L. CARABIDAE Cychrus rostratus, L. Carabus granulatus, L. monilis, F. catenulatus, Scop. nemoralis, Mull. violaceus, L. nitens, L. Cannock Chase (Brown) ; Wetley Moor (Jahn) Notiophilus biguttatus, F. aquaticus, L. Leistus spinibarbis, F. fulvibarbis, Dej. ferruginous, L. rufescens, F. Ncbria brevicollis, F. gyllenhali, Sch. Cheadle livida, F. Cannock Chase (Garneys and Harris) Elaphrus riparius, L. cupreus, Duft. Loricera pilicornis, F. Clivina fossor, L. collar. s, Hbst. Hanley ; Bur- ton, occasional Dyschirius aeneus, Dej. Burton and CannockChase(ovter) CARABIDAE (cont.) Miscodcra arctica, Payk. Cannock Chase; cf. Ent. 1898, p. 271 Brojcus cephalotes, L. Stvynner- ton Badister bipustulatus, F. Licinus depressus, Payk. Dove- dale (Brown and Jahn) Chlaenius vestitus, Payk. Can- nock Chase nigricornis, F. Dovcstde (Brown) Oodes helopioides, F. Burton Acupalpus meridianus, L. Hen- hurst (Brown) Bradycellus cognatus, Gyll. verbasci, Duft. harpalinus, Dej. Harpalus rupicola, St. Burton (Fowler) ruficornis, F. aeneus, F. latus, L. Anisodactylus binotatus, F. Bur- ton Stomis pumicatus, Panz. Burton ; Cheadle; Hanley Platyderus ruficollis, Marsh. Lichfield and Burton (Fowler) Pterostichus cupreus, L. 87 CARABIDAE (com.) Pterostichus vcrsicolor, St. - madidus, F. lepidus, F. Cannock Chase in some number, vide also Ent. 1895, p. 236 niger, Sch. - vulgaris, L. - nigrita, F. - gracilis, Dej. Burton (Fow- ler) strenuus, Panz. - diligens, St. picimanus, Duft. Cannock Chase - vernalis, Gyll. Burton striola, F. Amara apricaria, Payk. consularis, Duft. Cannock Chate - aulica, Panz. - patricia, Duft. Cannock Chase bifrons, Gyll. Manifold Valley (Jahn) ovata, F. Cheadle similata, Gyll. Burton ; Cheadle acuminata, Payk. Burton tibialis, Payk. lunicollis, Sch. Burton ; Cannock Chase sprcta, Dej. Cannock Chase