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A HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE RHOPALOCERA PlERIDAE NYMPHALIDAE (cont.) Pieris brassicae, L. General rapae, L. Plentiful throughout the county napi, L. In gardens and meadows, but not so plentiful as the two last species Euchk>5 cardamines, L. Very general in the spring and frequents lilac bloom Leucophasia sinapis, L. Only recorded as having occurred once at Stvynnerton by Mr. Alfred Smith Colias edusa, Fb. Rare, but has been observed in most parts of the county. The var. helice, Hb. has been taken once near Stafford Gonopteryx rhamni, L. Rare. Madeley, Crad- docKt Moss, Dovedale, Cheadle, Oakamoor, Hamfs Valley, Mayfeld NYMPHALIDAE Argynnis selene, Schiff. Burnt Woods, Bagofs Park, Dovedale, Chartley (B. L.) euphrosyne, L. Common in Burnt Woods in some seasons aglai.i, L. Fairly plentiful on Cannock Chase, one dark var. formerly Dcvedale adippe, L. in June, 1901, and Downs Banks, near Stone, 1893 ; formerly Dovedale (late Rev. H. Harpur Crevve) - paphia, L. One in Swynnerton Old Park, 1890 Mclitaea aurinia, Rott. CraJdock's Moss, but very uncertain in appearance ; one at Burton (B. L.) athalia, Rott. Burnt Woods (}. B. Hodgkin- son), abundant in one locality in South Staffordshire (J. Hardy, vide Newman's British Butterflies, 48) Vanessa C-album, L. A few noted most years, but far from common. Madeley, Cheadle, Oakamoor, Cannock Chase, Leek, Tixall, Stone polychloros, L. One pupa at Madeley. An imago, Alstonfield, 1875 ; Dovedale, Frads- vj ell Heath, near Stone, 1902 ; Burton, 'Need- wood Forest (B. L.) urticae, L. Very common everywhere, and often emerges from hibernation on sunny days in winter io, L. Very general in September and hiber- nated specimens in early spring antiopa, L. Very rare, but has been taken at Badenhall near Eccleshall, Swynnerton, Stvyth- amley, Madeley, and has been observed at Alstonfieldty Rev. W. H. Purchas in 1880. A noticeable immigration of this insect into North Staffordshire took place in 1872. One was seen near Warslovi on 28 August, and another in the same district about the same time. Miss Malleson observed one near Hit/me End the same morning, and Miss Purchas took a specimen (probably the same individual) on the following after- noon. Another was taken near Longnor on 2 September, and two not far from Leek on 3 September. Mr. Hugo H. Crewe saw one near Warslow on 5 September, and two more were taken on the moors shortly after Vanessa atalanta, L. Some years very abundant and general throughout the county cardui, L. Very uncertain, but plentiful some years SATYRIDAE Pararge megaera, L. Occasional, but nowhere common ; Forest Banks, Needwood (B. L.). Not met with in the north of the county Satyrus semele, I,. Bunster Hill, Dovedale (B. L.) Epinephele ianira, L. Common generally, but local tithonus, L. Not common. Cannock Chase, Madeley, Burton (B. L.) - hyperanthes, L. Local. Burnt Woods, Madeley, Needwood Forest (B. L.) Coenonympha typhon, Rott. Very local. Chartley, Chorlton Moss, and all the specimens appear to be of the var. rothliebi, Stgr. Stafford- shire appears to be about the southern limit of this insect pamphilus, L. Very common on heaths LYCAENIDAE Thecla W-album, Knoch. One taken near Mod- dershall in 1899 ; Burton, Knightley Perk, (B. L.), Market Drayton, 1902 (E. D. B.) quercus, L. Stvynnerton, plentiful rubi, L. Common, but local. Cannock Chase, Cheadle, Maer, Stone, Dovedale; formerly plentiful (B. L.) Polyommatus phloeas, L. Common generally in late summer and autumn Lycaena aegon, Schiff. Very rare at Wolverhamp- ton (F. O. Morris, vide Newman's British Butterflies, p. 121) astrarche, Bgstr. Some years abundant in Dovedale icarus, Rott. Fairly common, but not in great abundance argiolus, L. Maer, Needwood Forest, Bunit Woods, Rugeley, Whitman, Parson's Brake minima, Fues. Rare, Dovedale HESPERIIDAE Syrichthus malvae, L. Very rare. Burnt Woods Nisoniades tages, L. Leycett on coal-pit lows, near Market Drayton; Dovedale (B. L.) Hesperia thaumas, Hufn. Local on railway banks at Madeley ; Burton, not uncommon (B. L.) sylvanus, Esp. Local, Burnt Woods, Maer ; Bagofs Park, common ; Chartley ; Burton, not uncommon (B. L.) comma, L. Chartley (B. L.)