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A HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE BOMBYCES (continued) COSSIDAB Cossus ligniperda, Fb. Not common, larvae in ash and willow trees Zeuzera pyrina, L. Rare, Toxall (E. B.), Burton, Rolleston (B. L.) ; Stafford, Hanlty, Cheadle ; Handsttiorth (C. J. W.), Stone, E. D. B. COCHLIOPODIDAE Heterogenea limacodes, Hufn. Two specimens taken at Hanky, 15 July, 1903 LIPARIDAE Porthesia chrysorrhoea, L. Several at Rugeley in 1892-3 ; at electric light at Stoke Station, 1905 si mills, Fues. Common throughout the county Leucoma salicis, L. Burton (B. L.) Dasychira pudibunda, L. Not uncommon in south, but not recorded in north of the county Orgyia gonostigma, Fb. One larva at Rugeley (B. L.) - antiqua, L. General, and some years abundant as far north as Cheadle and Leek BOMBYCIDAE Trichiura crataegi, L. Rare, two taken at gas lamps at Stone ; larva, Market Dray ton; Bur- ton (B. L.) Poecilocampa populi, L. Not uncommon coming to light, Stvynnerton, Stone, Tlxall, Rugeley, Cheadle ; Needwood (B. L.) Eriogaster lanestris, L. Nests of larvae, Market Drayton ; 'Needwood forest, common Burton (B. L.) Bombyx rubi, L. Common on heaths, Madeley, Leek ; Cannock Chase ; Dovedale (B. L.) quercus, L. Common some years about Stone and other places, but generally of the variety callunae, Palmer Cdonestis potatoria, L. Common throughout the southern half of the county Lasiocampa quercifolia, L. Larvae taken near Rugeley (B. L.) ilicifolia, L. Taken several times on Cannock Chase, which is one of the very few localities where this moth occurs in England. (For particulars see p. 97) ENDROMIDAE Endromis versicolor, L. Used to be taken in the Burnt Woods SATURNHDAE Saturnia pavonia, L. Common on heaths all through the county. Males assemble from long distances to a virgin female BOMBYCES (continued) DREPANULIDAE Drcpana lacertinaria, L. Fairly common on birch trees falcataria, L. Not uncommon binaria, Hum. Burnt Woods, 1902 Cilix glaucata, Scop. Common some years. Stone, Cheadle, Rugeley, Market Drayton ; Burton (B. L.) DlCRANURIDAE Dicranura bicuspis, Bork. Not common. Chorlton Moss ; Cannock Chase, Rolleston (B. L.) furcula, L. Occasional, Burnt Woods, Madeley; Burton (E. B.) bifida, Hb. Occasional, Stoke-on-Trent, Stone, Burnt Woods, Cannock Chase ; Burton (B. L.) vinula, L. Very common throughout the county NOTODONTIDAE Pterostoma palpina, L. Chorlton, Stone, Burnt Woods, Cannock Chase ; Burton (B.L.) Lophopteryx camelina, L. Common carmelita, Esp. Rugeley (B. L.) Notodonta bicolor, Hb. Eight specimens of this rare moth were taken in the Burnt Woods by Messrs. I. Smith, Chappell, and Charlton (see Zoologist, 1861, p. 7682 ; also New- man's British Moths, p. 228). The following is an account of the capture of the first specimen of this insect in Staffordshire, taken from the Zoologist, 1861, p. 7682 : 'At the ordinary monthly meeting of the Manchester Entomological Society held on 3 July, Mr. John Smith, an artisan collector resi- dent here, exhibited a specimen of Noto- donta bicolor captured by himself at Burnt Woods, Staffordshire, in the latter part of June last. The specimen, a fine male, though a little rubbed through being boxed out of the net, excited much interest at the meeting as being the first of the species known to have occurred in Great Britain, J. Hardy, pro Sec.' dictaea, L. Not uncommon. Whitmore, Stoke- on-Trent, Cannock Chase, Cheadle, Burnt Woods ; Bur/on (B. L.) dictaeoides, Esp. Not uncommon, Bishop's Woods, Cannock Chase, Leek dromedarius, L. The larvae frequently taken Madeley, Stvynnerton, Burnt Woods, Cheadle, Consall ; Cannock Chase (B. L.) ziczac, L. Larvae not uncommon on willow and sallow ; Madeley, Ckeadle, Bishop's and Burnt Woods trepida, Esp. Rare Stvynnerton, Burnt Woods chaonia, Hb. One at Steynnerton trimacula, Esp. Burnt Woods, Stvynnerton, Cannock Chase PYGAERIDAS Phalera bucephala, L. Very common, the larvae frequently stripping branches of trees of all their leaves. Pygaera curtula, L. Burton (E. B.) 100