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INSECTS TINEAE (continued} LYONETIIDAE Lyonetia clerckella, L. Henhurst (E. B.) ; Burton (B. S.) Cemiostoma spartifoliella, Hb. Burton (E. B.) laburnella, Heyd. Burton, common (B. S.) - scitella, Zell. Burton (E. B., B. S.) Bucculatrix ulmella, Mann. Burton (E. B.) crataegi, Zell. Burton (E. B.) - boyerella, Dup. Burton (E. B.) thoracella, Thnb. Burton (E. B.) NEPTICULIDAE Nepticula ruficapitella, Haw. Burton (E. B., B. S.) anomalella, Goze. Burton (B. S.) pygmaeella, Haw. Burton (B. S.) oiyacanthella, Sta. Burton (B. S.) ; Tlxall (E. D. B.) TINEAE (continued) NEPTICULIDAE (continued) Nepticula intimella, Zell. Burton (E. B., B. S.) sub-bimaculella, Haw. Burton (B.S.) trimaculella, Haw. Burton (B. S.) floslactella, Haw. Burton (E. B., B. S.) myrtillella, Edl. Cannock Chase (C, G. B.) microtheriella, Wing. Burton (B. S.) ignobilella, Sta. Burton (E. B., B. S.) argentipedella, Zell. Burton (E. B., B. S.) plagicolella, Sta. Henhurst (B. S.) tityrella, Dougl. Branston (B. S.) - malella, Sta. Burton (B. S.) - angulifasciella, Sta Burton (E. B., B. S.) gratiosella, Sta. Burton (E. B., B. S.) marginicolella, Sta. Burton (B. S.) aurella, Fb. Burton (E. B., B. S.) splendidissimella, H. S. Burton (B. S.) DIPTERA Flies The following list can only be regarded as a first instalment towards the compilation of a county list, for the number of species therein recorded only amounts to a little over 300, while some 3,000 species of Diptera are known to exist in Great Britain. It is founded on the late Mr. Edwin Brown's list of the Diptera of the Burton-on-Trent district, published in the Natural History of Tutbury in 1863 (pp. 210-23). Several species as to the identification of which some doubt exists or which are not now recognized as British, have been omitted. An asterisk (*) prefixed to the name of any species denotes that local specimens are to be found in the British Museum collection of British Diptera. Some notes on the gall-making Cecidomyidae, by Mr. Cyril Brett, as observed in the Alton district, have appeared in the Reports and Transactions of the North Staffs. Field Club, 1902-3 (pp. 92-3) and 1905-6, (pp. 75-6). Where Burton is given as a locality without further particulars it must be understood that the statement is made on the authority of Mr. E. Brown's list. Species marked (t) have been kindly determined by the Rev. A. Thornley, and those marked (11) by Mr. E. E. Austen. The following abbreviations have been used : R. G. = R. Garner, Nat. History of the County oj Stafford (1840) E. B. = Edwin Brown, 'Fauna of Burton-on-Trent' in Nat. Hist. ofTutbury (1863) R. C. B. = R. C. Bradley (Cannock Chase) C. J. W. = C. J. Wainwright (Handsworth) C. B. = Cyril Brett (Alton) F. J. = Rev. F. C. R. Jourdain (Dove Valley) G. H. V. = G. H. Verrall (Dovedale and Colwich) Br. Fl. = G. H. Verrall, British Flies, vol. viii. E. M. M. = The Entomologists' Monthly Magazine Ent. = The Entomologist NEMATOCERA PULICIDAE Pules irritans, L. canis, Curt. On dogs Trichopsylla sciurorum, Bouch6. (E. B.) gallinae, Schrk. In fowl houses, general ORTHORRHAPHA NEMATOCERA (continued) PULICIDAE (continued) On the house A rf ' On squirrels Trichopsylla hirundinis, Curt. martin (E. B.) Ctenopsyllus musculi, Dug&. (E. B.) On the rat