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A HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE AGELENID^: Spiders with eight eyes, situated in two straight or more or less curved transverse rows. Tarsal claws, three. The species of this family spin a large sheet-like web, and construct a tubular retreat at the back of it, which leads to some crevice amongst the rocks or in the herbage, or in the chinks in the walls of outhouses and barns, wherever the various species may happen to be found. The habits of Argyroneta, the water spider, are however quite different. The posterior pair of spinners is much longer than the others in the more typical genera of this family. 26. Agelena labyrinthica (Clerck). Handsworth (F.P.S.). 27. Ttgenaria derhami (Scopoli). Handsworth (F.P.S.). A very common species everywhere. 28. Tegenaria silvestrii, L. Koch. Handsworth (F.P.S.). 29. Ccelotes atropos (Walckenaer). Handsworth (F.P.S.). The spiders included in this family have eight eyes, situated in two rows, the lateral eyes of both rows being usually adjacent, if not in actual contact, while the central eyes form a quadrangle. The tarsal claws are three, often with other supernumerary tlaws. The web is either an orbicular snare, as in the case of the ' common garden spider,' or consists of a sheet of webbinsj, beneath which the spider hangs and captures its prey as it falls upon the sheet. This immense family includes those usually separated under the names Epeiridte and Linyphiidts. 30. Nesticus cellulanus (Clerck). Cannock. Known also as Linyphia cryptico/ens, Black- wall. 31. Meta segmentata (Clerck). Handsworth (F.P.S.). Very abundant. Known also as Epeira indinata, Blackwall. 32. Meta meriarue (Scopoli). Handsworth (F.P.S.). Not uncommon. Known also as Epeira antriada, Blackwall, and a striking variety as 43 E. celata, Blackwall. 33. Cyclosa conica (Pallas). Handsworth (F.P.S.). A few specimens only have been taken. Known also as Epeira conica, Blackwall. 34. Zilla x - notata (Clerck). Handsworth (F.P.S.). Very common. Known also as Epeira simi/is, Blackwall. 35. Zilla atrica, C. L. Koch. Handsworth (F.P.S.). Almost as common as the above. Known also as Epeira callophylla, Blackwall. 36. Araneut diadematus (Clerck). Handsworth (F.P.S.) ; Cannock. 37. Araneus gibbosus (Walckenaer). Handsworth (F.P.S.). 38. Pachygnatha clerckii y Sun dc vail. Handsworth (F.P.S.). 39. Pachygnatha degeerii, Sundevall. Handsworth (F.P.S.). 40. Pachygnatha listeri, Sundevall. Handsworth (F.P.S.). Much rarer than the other two species above. 4 1 . Linyphia triangularis (Clerck). Handsworth (F.P.S.). 42. Linyphia clathrata, Sundevall. Handsworth (F.P.S.). Drapetisca soda/is (Sundevall). Handsworth (F.P.S.). 44. Stemonyphantes lineatus (Linnzeus). Handsworth (F.P.S.). 45. Labulla thoracica (Wider). Handsworth (F.P.S.). 46. Bolypbantes luteolus (Blackwall). Handsworth (F.P.S.). 47. Tapinopa longideus (Wider). Handsworth (F.P.S.). 48. Lepthyphantes minutus (Blackwall). Handsworth (F.P.S.). 49. Lepthyphantes leprosus (Ohlert). Cannock. 50. Lepthyphantes nebulosus (Sundevall). Cannock. 51. Lepthyphantes ericeus (Blackwall). Cannock. 52. Lepthyphantes tenuis (Blackwall). Handsworth (F.P.S.). 122