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A HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE Similarly, with regard to the Copepoda or oar-footed Entomostraca, the notice that Cyclops quadricornis, Mtlller, of the family Cyclopidae, occurs in stagnant water, is not very instructive. It is uncertain which of several species may be intended by the name quadricornis, and the use of it without any explanatory details implies a rather superficial acquaintance with Copepoda in general. In 1895 Mr. D. J. Scourfield made a guarded suggestion that the little-known ento- mostracan fauna of Wales might eventually show some essential differences from that of the south-east of England, which has been investigated with much assiduity. 31 Should this prove to be so it will be interesting to learn where the line of cleavage or fusion between the discrepant faunas should be drawn, and whether the rarities or distinctive species of east and west may chance to have a common gathering place in the waters of Staffordshire. 11 Journ. Quekett Microsc. Club (ser. 2), vol. vi, 137. 132