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EARLY MAN EERESFORD HALL. Barbed flint arrow-head. [Plot, Nat. Hist, of Staffs. 396.] Socketed chisel, or celt of bronze. [Plot, Nat. Hist, of Staffs. 404.] BREWOOD. Palstave, without loops. [Plot, Nat. Hist, of Staffs. 403 ; Evans, Bronze Imp. 86.] BUSHBURY. Palstave, without loops. [Plot, Nat. Hist, of Staffs. 403 ; Evans, Bronze Imp. 86.] CALDON. Neolithic flint celts. CASTERN. Piece of sandstone rubbed hollow on one side, found in barrow. Jet button, ij in. in diameter, found in barrow. [Evans, Stone Imp. 263, 455.] Bronze armilla, found in barrow. [Bateman, Ten Years' Diggings, 167.] CHEADLE. Stone celt found in a peat bog. ELKSTONE. Large piece of sandstone, with a small bowl-shaped concavity worked in it (? Neolithic), found in a barrow. [Evans, Stone Imp. 253.] GRUB Low (situated between Grindon and Waterfall). Leaf-shaped arrow-head of flint, found with bones in a barrow. [Evans, Stone Imp. 377.] HANBURY. Fine gold collar made of seven strands of twisted wire uniting in a loop at each termina- tion, found in 1848, and now in the royal collection at Windsor Castle. [Arch, xxxix, 175-6.] HANDSWORTH. Bronze palstave without loops, described by Plot [Nat. Hist, of Staffs. 403] as the ' brass head of the bolt of a Catapulta.' ILAM. Plain bronze celt, described by Plot [Nat. Hist, of Staffs. 403-4] as the ' Head of a Roman Securis with which the popae slew their sacrifices.' [Evans, Bronze Imp. 42.] At ILAM MOOR. Bronze awl found in barrow. [Evans, Bronze Imp. 190.] LADY Low. Small bronze blade found in barrow. [Arch, xliii, pi. xxxiii, fig. 4.] Bronze dagger found in barrow. [Evans, Bronze Imp. 224.] LEEK. Flint arrow-head, with jagged edges and two barbs, found near Leek. [Plot, Nat. Hist, of Staffs. 396 ; Evans, Stone Imp. 362.] LEIGH. Bronze celt, or axe-head found at the foot of a rounded eminence. [Trans. N. Staffs. Field Club, xxxix, 141.] MILWICH. Stone celt or hatchet, 7 in. long, found in a stream. MORRIDGE. Bronze palstave without loop, found in a barrow. [Plot, Nat. Hist, of Staffs. 403 ; Evans, Bronze Imp. 86.] MOUSE Low. Flint arrow-head (? Neolithic), found in Bronze Age drinking-cup. [Evans, Stsne Imp. 399 ; Bateman, Ten Tears' Diggings, 1 1 6.] Bone pins, found with two bashed flint arrow-heads. [Evans, Stone Imp. 432]. MUSDEN. Trimmed flint flake, flat on one face and carefully chipped to a convex shape on the other, found in barrow ; probably a knife of the Bronze Age. [Evans, Stone Imp. 330.] Bronze knife-dagger found in barrow. [Evans, Bronze Imp. 240.] NEEDWOOD FOREST. Polished flint celt and Bronze Age palstave, with loop (broken), f .and in 1864, both now in the British Museum. PATTINGHAM. Gold torque, found in 1700. [Camden, Brit. (ed. Gough, 1789), ii, 380; Arch. xxxiii, 176.] RIBDEN Low. Flint knife, probably of the Bronze Age, found in barrow ; a'so barbed flint arrow- heads and bone pins found in barrow. [Evans, Stone Imp. 330, 432.] SAXON Low. Fragments of Bronze Age urns, now in the possession of Mr. Charles Lynam, F.S.A. SHARPCLIFFE, NEAR LEEK. Perforated boulder or pebble, stone maul, and bronze (or rather nearly pure copper) palstave, with curiously narrow blade. SHENSTONE. Hoard of bronze objects, comprising two swords, some spear-heads, celts, and several other relics, found at Greensborough Hill, lying in loose sand. [Arch, xxi, 548-9.] STAFFORDSHIRE, LID Low. Fragments of a Bronze Age urn, now in the British Museum. STONE. Fine perforated axe-head of granite, 12 in. long, now in the British Museum. [Evans, Stone Imp. 202]. Early Iron Age leaf-shaped lance-head. [N. Staffs. Nat. Field Club Trans, xxx, 108-15.] STRETTON. Bronze palstave with one loop. [Arch, v, 113.] TRENTHAM. Neolithic celt, now in the possession of Mr. Masefield. WARSLOW. Bronze knife-dagger found in Lett Low, a barrow. [Evans, Bronze Imp. 225.]

WATERHOUSES. Socketed and looped bronze celt, now in the British Museum.

WETTON LONG Low. Three leaf-shaped arrow-heads and many hakes of flint. [Evans, Stone Imp. 377.] Imperfect armlet of thick bronze. THOR'S CAVE. Two curious vessels, one of carved sandstone, and one of cast and hammered bronze, with iron handle, found in barrow. [Evans, Stone Imp. 45 1 ; Evans, Bronze Imp. 409 ; Bateman, Ten Tears' Diggings, 173.] WEAVER HILLS, between Ramshorn and Blore. Stone axe, entirely ground, and the sides having an inward curvature. [Plot, Nat. Hist, of Staffs. 397.] YARLET. Socketed bronze spear-head. [Plot, Nat. Hist, of Staffs. 404, pi. xxxiii, fig. 8.] 181