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GEOLOGY Period Formation Character of Material Approximate thick- ness in feet Upper Mottled Sandstone False-bedded red sand- stones up to 70O Bi i n fpr Pebble Beds Red pebbly sandstones r O UI1 LCI with beds of shingle . up to 500 Lower Mottled Sandstone False - bedded red sand- stones UD to 7OO r .j Upper Red Sandstones and Marls, sandstone and a Permian Marls of Enville Middle Red Sandstone and band of breccia . Sandstone, marls, conglo- up to 150 Marls of Enville merates and ' trappoid breccia' up to 550 Keele Sandstones and Red sandstones and marls, Marls, Lower Red thin beds of earthy lime- Sandstones and Marls stone, occasional thin of Enville seams of coal (N. Staffs). over 800 Newcastle - under - Lyme Grey sandstones and marls, Series and Halesowen thin coals and two thin Sandstones limestones at the base . up to 400 Etruria Marls and Oldhill Red marls with thin beds Brick Clays of earthy limestone, ashy green grits and conglo- merates up to 1,100 Blackband Series of North Grey marls and sandstones, Staffordshire thin seams of coal and beds of laminated iron- Carboniferous stones (N. Staffs), and bands of earthy lime- stone up to 4. So Middle Coal Series . . Grey and black shales with r ^ j numerous coals ; beds of grit and ironstone . Up to I,2OO Lower Coal Series . Grey and black shales, bands of sandstone ; numerous seams of coal up to 4,000 Millstone Grits and Grits, sandstones, shales ; Pendleside Series thin seams of coal and beds of dark impure limestone up to 2,000 Carboniferous Limestone . Compact highly fossilifer- Great, but unde- ous limestone termined Ludlow Shales and Lime- Grey shales and beds of stones limestone up to 1,050 Silurian Wen lock Limestone and Grey shales and beds of Shales limestone up to i, 600 Woolhope Beds Limestone up to 80 r Upper Llandovery or May Sandstone and grits not known Hill Sandstone