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A HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE SCALE OF FEET o too zoo Church SECTION C. O SCALE 4o = r: CMP AT S:iARESHILL rounded angles, 191 ft. by 163 ft. over all, and is encompassed by vallum and fosse. The altitude is 418 ft. WALL. Camden and Plot both agree that the village of Wall is the Etocetum of the Romans, standing as it does at the crossing of Watling and Icknield Streets, about one mile and a half south-south-west of the city of Lichtield and being 32 miles from Wroxeter (Uriconium) on the west and 1 2 miles from Mancetter (Manduesedum) on the east with Pennocrucium and Uxacona between them. A plan and sections are shewn indicating the remains in relation to their present position. A further description will be found under the article on ' Roman Remains.' WOLSTANTON. CHESTERTON is within two miles north-west of Newcastle- under-Lyme. From the plan given of this camp or station it will be seen that it was almost a true square containing from 22 to 23 acres of area, two of the sides averaging 303 yds. long and the other two 289 yds. It is situated on elevated land at the height of 566ft. above sea level, and its site commands the surrounding country for many miles distant. The surface of the camp is very little out of the level, but the present remains are only slight and are confined mostly to a part of its north-west side. There can be little doubt that the roadway to the north-east was originally a line of fosse. On the north-west side the fosse remains for some length in a very impressive form from its great dimensions. Its present south-west termination would seem to represent the position of the central entrance on this side. On the south- west and south-east sides there are indications on the site of the positions of the last-named boundaries, following the line of an old lane and the hedge as shown on the plan. 348