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A HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE MISCELLANEOUS EARTHWORKS (CLASS X) continued Ordnance Number Parish Name Form Dimensions Alti- tude Situation VI, 1 5 Audley . . Bunker's Length of curvec 1 20 yds. & Ft 488 Linley Wood Hill intrenchment 306 yds. & 441 LXIVs Barr, Great . Round Hill . Roughly circular 400 ft. N. & S 500 Bourne Vala. This 3 70 ft. E. & W. mound has been plant- ed within the memory of man. It has no in- dication of defence, has not been tested by excavation and appears to be wholly of sand and is possibly of natural formation XII, 10 Bunlem . . Abbey Farm A length of ditch 63 yds. & 63yds. 500 Near Biddulph Val- and bank ey Railway at Abbey IV, 13 Leekfrith Lower A length of ditch 2 1 7 yds. 1,000 143 yds. from road Haddon with bank Between R u s h t o n Spencer & Meerbrook LII, 1 1 Lichfield, Prince Ru- Rectangular 34yds. by 25 yds. 319 North-east of Beacon St. Chad pert's Mound Street LII, 15 Lichfield, Barrow Cop Circular 3 10 ft. diam. 300 About i mile south- St. Michael j Hill west of Lichfield XX, 4, & Mayfield . The Cliffs . Terraces 406 yds. varied 600 J mile north of XXI, i Upper Mayfield XX, 8

Hollow Lane Series of terraces . 1 60 yds. 600 J mile west of Mid- dle Mayfield XXIV, 14 Stone Mottiey Pits Terraces ' Various, straight, and curved Covering a large area 459 J mile north-east of Stone railway station XLI, i & S Stretton, (near Burton Vicarage Irregular, with right angle corners 30 ft. by 1 30 ft. and varying 178 Adjoins Vicarage upon Trent) LXVI, 3 Trysull and Seisdon Abbot's Castle Hill Running length . About 2 miles 454 i mile west of eisdon XXVI 10 & 14 Uttoxeter . Hill House Terraces Rectangular . . 420 ft. 400 West of Hill House, Stramshall XXVI, 10 & 14

Cottage holding > 1 20 ft. by 90 ft. 358 North - east of St. Michael's Church, Stramshall XX.3 Wootton Raddle pits . Lines of trenches . 1 66 yds. 900 $ mile north of Wootton 372