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THE HOLDERS OE LANDS This Walter son of Aubrey holds of Robert Malet. In Brumeswella [Bromeswell] Hubert de Monchensey [Monte Canesitu) holds of Robert Malet 1 6 freemen (formerly) under Edric's com- mendation with 60 acres and i bordar. Then 2 ploughs, now I ^. 4 acres of meadow. Then worth 16;., now 20s. HUNDRET OF HeRTESMERA [HaRTISMERE] (At) EiA [Eye] Edric held 12 carucatcs of land T.R.E. Now Robert holds them in de- mesne ; and his mother holds 1 00 acres and i villein and 3 bordars and 9 sokemen with 16 acres, then 2 ploughs, now i, worth 20s. Then 39 villeins, now 20. Then and afterwards 9 bordars, now 16. Then 12 serfs, now none. Then and afterwards 8 ploughs on the demesne, now 5. Then and afterwards 15 ploughs be- longing to the men, now 6. And the other ploughs might be made up again [restaurari). And (there are) 50 acres of meadow. Then wood(land) for 120 swine, now for 60. Then as now a mill. And a fishery. Then 7 roun- ceys, nowi. Then 24 beasts, now none. Then 50 swine, now 17. Then 80 sheep, now 90. And now i market. And a park. And in the market 25 burgesses have their dwellings {mantnt). To this manor belong 48 sokemen with 121 acres of land. Of these sokemen 37 (are) on the demesne ; and Herbert holds 9 with 20 acres ; and Walter i with 5 acres ; and fol. 320. Walter the crossbowman (arbalistarius) I with 16 acres. The whole is worth 9*. Then 4 ploughs, now 3. And 1 acre of meadow. Then worth 15//., now 2i/». Edric had soke and sac of the bishopric which the Bishop ought to have. To this manor also belong 9 freemen with no acres of land (who were) in Edric's soke and commendation T.R.E. Then 4^ ploughs, now 4. And 3 acres of meadow. Then wood(Iand) for 16 swine, now »or 6. Worth 20i. These 9 were called Alestan, Uluric, Godwin, Lewin, Edric, Alfsi, Aluric, Godric, Dynechaie. In the same (vill) a freeman Uluric under commendation to Edric (held) 30 acres as a manor T.R.E. Now Walter de Caen holds of Robert. Then as now 2 bordars. Then i plough, now half a plough. Worth 20s. In the same (vill is) a church, Saint Peter's, to which belong 2 carucates of free land and 7 bor- dars. Then I plough on the demesne, now 3. Then l plough belonging to the men. And 3 acres of meadow. And a mill. Worth 40X. In the same (vill) a freeman Suartric under Harold's commendation and in his soke held 1 20 acres as a manor T.R.E. Now Robert holds in demesne. Then as now 4 bordars. And I plough on the demesne. And 4 acres of mea- dow. Wood(land) for 3 swine. Worth 20s. It is 2^ leagues long, and leagues broad. And (pays) 25. in geld. In Radinghefelda [Redlingfield] a freeman Aluric under commendation to Edric (held) 3 carucates of land as a manor T.R.E. Then as now 1 1 villeins, and 4 bordars. Then 2 serfs. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne, now 3. Then as now 2 ploughs belonging to the men. Then wood(Iand) for 100 swine, now for 50. And 6 acres of meadow. And a church with 12 acres. Now 1 rouncey. Then as now 12 swine, and 24 sheep, and 34 goats. Then worth 60f., now lOOJ. William de Archis holds of Robert Malet. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. (It is) 7 furlongs broad and 7 long. And (pays) td. in geld. fol. 320A. In AcoLT [Occold] 5 freemen under com- mendation to Edric and in his soke (held) 46 acres, Smert, Raven, Pinstan, Godric, Lefsi, Alveva. Then 2 ploughs, now i^. Wood(land) for 6 swine. And i acre of meadow. Worth lOf. Robert's mother holds. In GissiLiNCHAM [Gislingham] 2 freemen, Stannard and Stubbard, under commendation to Edric (held) 30 acres in the soke of the King and the Earl. Then as now 2 bordars. Then (and) afterwards l^ ploughs, now i plough. And i^ acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 5 swine. Then worth 41., now 51. Robert's mother holds. In Mellels [Mellis] a free(man) Fulchard, half under commendation to Edric, (held) 27 acres and I bordar and I plough and I acre of meadow and half a church with 8 acres. Worth lOj. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. Robert's mother holds. In Iacheleia [Yaxley] Alnod a freeman, half under commendation to Edric, (held) 8^ acres, worth i2d. The King and the Earl have the soke. Hubert holds. In Wordham [Wortham] a freeman Algar under commendation to Edric (held) 4 acres, worth id. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. In Briseworde [Braiseworth] 4 freemen (held) 38 acres of land under commendation to Edric. Then i^ ploughs, now i plough. Worth 7^. and td. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. In little {parvo) Thornham [Thornham Parva] 2 freemen under Edric's sub-commen- dation (held) 7 acres, worth i bd. And Robert's mother holds. 459