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A HISTORY OF SURREY OPILIONES The harvestmen are spider-like creatures with eight long legs, the tarsi long and very flexible. Eyes simple, two in number, situated on each side of an eye eminence. Body not divided into two distinct regions by a narrow pedicle, as in spiders. 164. Pbalangium epi/io, Linn. 167. Oligolophus agrestis (Meade). Carshalton. Wimbledon. 165. Phalangium parietinum, De Geer. 168. Nemastoma lugubre (Mtiller). Wimbledon, Horsley (F. P. S.). Wimbledon. 1 66. Liobunum rotundum (Latreille). 169. Sclerosoma romanum y L. Koch. Wimbledon. Horsley (F. P. S.). 186