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PREFACE seemed to be a reason why county records should be more freely em- ployed in illustrating certain phases of history, to throw light not only on the administration of Surrey, but on that of any county under the Tudors. The history of Surrey undoubtedly contributes here to the understanding of ' the larger History of the Empire.' The continuity of the Political History appears to be impaired by the necessary postponement of the section on Roman Surrey. The section will appear later ; but the break is more apparent than real. The Roman remains are not very extensive, and it is impossible to piece together with absolute certainty any continuous story from British tribes through Roman occupation to West Saxon and Mercian conquest. The Saxon remains are fragmentary, but their story has been given as fully as is compatible with certainty. Some further inferences are possible, but a few positive and negative facts stand out clearly. Among the latter is that Surrey was not South Saxon. The countries north and south respectively of a great forest were not inhabited by the same people, nor ruled by the same kings in primitive ages. This is among the fictions of the earlier histories of Surrey. The Ecclesiastical History of Surrey will follow in the next volume. The Topographical and Manorial History will occupy the greater part of the second, third and fourth volumes, taken together. Other matters, commercial, industrial and social, will be included. Under the last head Surrey may perhaps again illustrate general history. Epsom is one of the earliest considerable English watering places, and has other associations. The early history of cricket has much to do with Surrey. Wimbledon and Bisley are in Surrey. Putney and Mortlake are in Surrey. The first London railway terminus was in Surrey. London has annexed parts of Surrey, and has made it certain that there can be no cities in Surrey except parts of itself ; but the reader to the end of a story of this county is like the traveller Qui mores hominum multorum vidit, For some of the illustrations in this volume the Editor is indebted to the courtesy of Sir John Evans, Mr. More Molyneux, the Mayor of Guildford, the Society of Antiquaries, the British Archaeological Association, and the Surrey Archaeological Society.