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EARLY MAN ANSTIEBURY CAMP. Neolithic arrowheads found here and at Meriden farm [Archteologia, ix. 100 ; Evans 5. 389]. Chipped neolithic celt [Surr. Arch. Coll. v. 23], A pre- Roman, possibly neolithic camp is here [Surr. Arch. Coll. xii. 157, etc.]. ASH. Two neolithic ground celts [Surr. Arch. Coll. xi. 247-8; Evans S. 101]. One neolithic ground celt in Guildford Museum. BAGSHOT. Bronze palstave with stop-ridge and flanges, and another with stop-ridge, small flanges and one loop, in Guildford Museum. BATTERSEA. Perforated quartzite hammerhead (neolithic), discoidal in form, in Charterhouse Museum. Bronze spearhead 14^ inches long, with traces of wooden handle in socket [Evans B. 327 ; Arch. Assoc. Journal, xiv. 329, pi. xxiv. fig. 3]. BATTERSEA RISE. Palaeolithic implement [Journal of the Anthropological Institute, xii. 230]. BEDDINGTON. A hoard of bronze objects, comprising thirteen pieces, including one gouge, two broken spearheads, half of a celt mould, six celts, and three lumps of bronze [Surr. Arch. Coll. vi. 125-6 ; Evans B. no, 174, 320, 340, 423, 447, 468]. BEDDLESTEAD. See CHELSHAM. BRAMLEY. Neolithic camp. Neolithic flakes [Surr. Arch. Coll. Anthropological Journal, xiii. 137]. CARSHALTON. Neolithic spearhead, or knife, found 6 feet below the surface [Skelton's Meyrick's Armour, i. pi. xlvi. fig. 5 ; Evans S. 351]. Neolithic implements found near the river Wandle. CATERHAM. White Hill, probably a prehistoric camp. It is called the ' Cardinal's Cap.' CHELSHAM. Hoard of bronze objects found at Beddlestead Green, comprising four celts socketed and each furnished with one loop, one fragment of a socketed celt, one fragment of a palstave furnished with one loop and well developed flanges and three lumps of copper cake [Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, ser. 2, xviii. 285 et seq.] CHERTSEY. Neolithic ground celt in Charterhouse Museum. Bronze celt found in the stump of an old tree near St. Ann's Hill [Arch. Journal, xxviii. 242]. CHILWORTH. Neolithic flake, scrapers and cores in Guildford Museum. Rough neolithic flakes [Anthropological Journal, xiii. 137]. CHIPSTEAD. Neolithic celt of micaceous grit [Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, ser. 2, v. 374-5]. CLAPHAM. Rough palaeolithic implement found in gravel, now in Jermyn Street Museum, London. COMPTON. Neolithic implements, now in the Charterhouse Museum. CROOKSBURY HILL. See FARM HAM. CROYDON. Neolithic celts in the possession of Dr. J. M. Hobson. Bronze hoard found at Wickham Park. Fine bronze spearhead 31! inches long, found in 1900. CROHAM HURST. Neolithic implements and traces of dwellings [Journal Anthropological Institute, n.s. ii. 127 et seq.]. DITTON. Very narrow socketed bronze celt [Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, ser. 2, iii. 398 ; Evans B. 128]. Bronze dagger [Arch. Journal, xix. 364 ; Evans B. 245]. Bronze spearhead 20 inches long with midrib the whole length [Arch. Journal, xix. 364 ; Evans B. 316]. Bronze spearhead 6 inches long with ornamental socket, now in the British Museum [Evans B. 319]. Bronze spearhead 13! inches long, now in the British Museum [Evans B. 328]. DORKING. Neolithic arrowhead [Archesologia ix. 100; Evans S. 389]. Neolithic ground celt found at Holloway's farm, now in Jermyn Street Museum, London. Hoard of bronze celts, etc., found in a cavity of the rock under the surface [Archteologia, ix. 99], EARLSFIELD. Palaeolithic implements found by Mr. G. F. Lawrence. EASHING. Neolithic implements now in the Charterhouse Museum. EGHAM. Neolithic ground celt, about 7 inches long [Arch. Journal, xxviii. 242 ; Evans S. 251