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BOTANY Sphagnum cymbifolium, Ehrh. papillosum, Ldb. rigidum, Schp. et vars. compactum, Schp. squarrosum, Russ. and subsquarrosum, W. tenellum, Ehrh. ; S. subsecundum, Nees. et var. contortum, Schp. laricinum, Spr. Leith Hill squarrosum, Pers. ; S. acutifolium, Ehrh. S. intermedium, HofF. et vars. mucro- natum, W. et amblyphyllum, W. ; S. cuspidatum, Ehrh. et var. falcata, Russ. Tetraphis pellucida, Hedw. Not uncommon and often fruiting Polytrichum formosum, Hedw. Ditrichum flexicaule, Hpe. Downs, frequent Brachyodus trichodes, Ftirnr. Blocks of sand- stone in shady places, Leith Hill; Ewhurst Dicranella rufescens, Schp. ; D. cerviculata, Schp. Fissidens crassipes, Wils. Leith Hill Grimmia apocarpa, Hedw. ; Rhacomitrium canescens, Brid. Not common but plenti- ful in a few localities Acaulon muticum, C. M. Frequent Pottia caespitosa, C. M. Friable chalky ground, occurring sparingly along the downs Tortula ambigua, Angstr. Downs. T. cunei- folia, Roth. ; T. marginata, Spr. ; T. an- gustata, Wils. Barbula rubella, Mitt. ; B. cylindrica, Schp. ; B. Hornschuchiana, Schultz Weisia crispa, Mitt. Abundant on the downs. W. tortilis, C. M. Downs Encalypta Streptocarpa, Hedw. Ulota Bruchii, Hornsch. ; Orthotrichum Lyellii, H. & T. Fruiting freely Schistostega osmundacea, Mohr. Splachnum ampullaceum, L. Ephemerum serratum, var. /3 angustifolium, B. & S. Clay banks and amongst grass in meadows Aulacomnion palustre, Schwgr. c. fr. Philonotis fontana, Brid. Frequent through- out the county but in poor condition Neckera crispa, Hedw. ; N. pumila, Hedw. ; Homalia trichomanoides, Brid. c. fr. Leucodon sciuroides, Schwgr. ; Porotrichum alopecurum, Mitt. ; Thuidium hystrico- sum, Mitt. Abundant along the downs Thuidium recognitum, Ldb. Broadmoor Bot- tom amongst Sphagna ; it is much more commonly met with in drier situations, and occurs plentifully on the downs, always however barren Cylindrothecium concinnum, Schp. Bare places on the downs Brachythecium albicans, B. & S. ; B. rivulare, B. & S. ; B. caespitosum, Dixon. Sand- stone walls, and trees by water Eurhynchium abbreviatum, Schp. Dry banks, Ewhurst ; Shiere Plagiothecium Borrerianum, Schp. IVotton. P. denticulatum, var. /9 aptychus, L. Cat. ed. 2. ; P. undulatum, B. & S. c. fr. Amblystegium varium, Ldb. ; A. irriguum, B. & S. Shiere Hypnum stellatum, var. /3 protensum, B. & S. ; H. Sommerfeltii, Myr. c. fr. commutatum, Hedw. Rare ; Gomshall Marsh. H. scorpioides, L. Hylocomium loreum, B. & S. Rather spar- ingly distributed throughout the district 3. LOWER WEY. With the exception of the narrow strip of land forming District I., this forms the north-western section of the county. About halfway along the south boundary the chalk widens out consider- ably and is covered by extensive beech woods. Further north and west are undulating commons and low hills of Bagshot Sand. The sandstone is soft and offers no support to rock loving species. On the commons occur the most considerable bogs in the county. Sphagnum cymbifolium, Ehrh. ; S. medium, Ldb. ; S. papillosum, Ldb. ; S. rigidum, Schp. et vars. squarrosum, Russ. and sub- squarrosum, W. ; S. molle, var. /S Mttlleri, Braith. tenellum, Ehrh. ; S. subsecundum, Nees. et var. /3 contortum, Schp. ; S. teres. S. squarrosum, Pers. ; S. acutifolium, Ehrh. et vars. rubellum, quinque- forium fimbriatum, Wils. Pools by the canal Brookwood ; rare Sphagnum intermedium, Hoff. et vars. ambly- phyllum, W. et mucronatum, W. ; S. cuspidatum, Ehrh. et vars. falcatum, Russ., and plumosum, Nees. & H. Catharinea angustata, Brid. Buxbaumia aphylla, L. Virginia Water Dicranum undulatum, Ehrh. Bonjeani, De Not. Leucobryum glaucum, Schp. Fruiting near Weybridge Fissidens adiantoides, Hedw. Grimmia apo- carpa, Hedw. Rather rare 53