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ZOOLOGY MARINE ZOOLOGY UPON inquiring into the subject of the marine zoology of the Sussex coast, one is struck with the fact how few systematic and published records exist on that subject. Natural history societies, more or less organized, appear to have done very little hitherto in recording and publishing the local fauna and flora, and it has devolved upon individuals with sufficient enthusiasm and love of the subject to undertake the task. In the case of the Hastings district, however, one is fortunate in finding a good and solid foundation laid for future investigators in 'The Natural History of Hastings and St. Leonards and the Vicinity, with its three supplements issued at various periods, edited by the Rev. E. N. Bloomfield, M.A., F.E.S., rector of GuestHng, and Mr. E. A. Butler, B.A., B.Sc. The former gentleman kindly affords the information that Mr. Butler edited the fauna of the original number and of the first supplement, and that the two later supplements were edited by himself. As regards the individual workers in the domain of marine zoology who have supplied the data upon which the publication was to some extent founded, may be mentioned the late Dr. Bowerbank, who, as is well known, worked out the sponges, a great proportion of which were obtained from the Diamond Ground off Hastings. The list of sponges in the original number of the Hastings Natural History was apparently compiled by the Rev. Mr. Bloomfield from Bowerbank's Monographs of the British Spongiadce, and afterwards revised by Bowerbank shortly before his death. Of the Hydrozoa, Mr. Tumanowicz appears to have left a legacy from Hastings past and present, and Miss Jelly and Mr. R. Hope, F.Z.S., apparently amplified the list in the original number, the latter also con- tributing to the second supplement. For the Vermes Mr. Butler appears to be mainly responsible. The Polyzoa of the original list and most of the first supplement are attribut- able to Miss Jelly, and those of the later supplement, in the main, to Mr. R. Hope. In the sphere of the Mollusca Mr. A. H. Langdon con- tributes the list in the original number and in the first and second sup- plements. In the ensuing lists of marine animals which appear in this paper, 71