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MARINE ZOOLOGY /Equipecten opercularis var. /ineata, da Costa. Shell with lines of a darker colour than the ground running down each rib. Both forms common. Hastings. LlMID^ 25. Lima subauriculata, Montague.* Hastings. 26. Lima loscornhi, Sowerby.t Brighton. 27. Lima hians, Gmelin.t Brighton. EULAMELLIBRANCHIA SUBMTTILACEA Cyprinid^ 28. Cyprina islandica, Linnaeus. Rather rare. Hastings. LuciNiDi*: 29. Lucina horealis, Linn^us. Rather rare. Hastings. 30. Montacuta substriata, Montague. Habitat upon the spines of the underside of the sea-urchin, Spatangus purpureus. From the Diamond Ground, off Hastings. 31. Kellia suhorhicularis, Montague.* Rare. Hastings. TELLINACEA SCROBICULARIID^ 32. Syndosmya prismattca, Montague. Rather rare. Hastings. 33. Syndosmya alba. Wood. Common. Hastings. 34. Scrohicularia plana, da Costa. Occurring at the mouth of the Rother and in the channels leading into it. Com- mon. Rye Harbour. TelliniD/?: 35. Tellina crassa, Gmelin. From the Diamond Ground. Not un- common. Hastings. 36. Tellina tenuis, da Costa. A delicate little shell of various colours : white, yellow, pink, buff. Common. Hast- ings. 37. Tellina fabula, Gronovius. Shell in appearance somewhat like that of the last species, but not so large, and the right valve is lined with diagonal stria- tions. Common. Hastings. I 97 38. Maconia balthica, Linnasus. A small, strong shell ; colour, white, yellow, or red. Common. Hastings. DONACID^ 39. Donax vittatus, da Costa. At low water this species may be de- tected in large communities by the little mounds of sand which they cast up in dig- ging into the sand with the foot. Very common. Hastings. Mactrid.^ 40. Mactra stultorum, Linnaeus. Very common upon the sand shore. Hastings. Mactra stultorum var. cinerea, Montague. Not uncommon. Hastings. 41. Spisula solida, hinnxus. Rare. Hastings. 42. Sptsula elliptica. Brown. Trawled ; somewhat rare. Hastings. 43. Spisula subtruncata, da Costa. Shell triangular, thick in the umbonal region ; rather rare. Hastings. 44. Lutraria elliptica, Lamarck. Trawled upon the Diamond Ground ; not uncommon. Hastings. 45. Lutraria oblonga, Chemnitz. Single valves only taken, and those in very deteriorated condition, rather rare. Hastings. Trawled VENERACEA Venerid^ 46. Lucinopsis undata. Pennant. Trawled ; rather rare. Hastings. 47. Dosinia exoleta, Linnaeus.* Rare. Hastings. 48. Dosinia lupina {lincta), Linnasus. Rather rare. Hastings. 49. Venus fasciata, da Costa. Brighton. 50. Venus casina, Linnasus. Shell pale in colour ; ornamented with concentric ribs or lamells ; rare. Hastings. 51. Venus verrucosa, Linnseus. Ornamentation resembling that of the last species, but the ribs are less pronounced except in front and behind, where they are interrupted and form folds. Not uncom- mon. Hastings. 13