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INSECTS recorded, but is almost certain to occur, as we have notices of its capture all round the borders of the county. The rare ' Wartbiter,' Decticus verrucivorus, L., has been taken in Hampshire and in Kent, and so should be looked for in Sussex ; it is one of our finest British insects, and would form a handsome addition to the local fauna. Of the more interesting species which are on the list, we may mention Forficula lesnei^ Finot., an earwig apparently widely distributed in the southern counties of England and in the corresponding parts of northern France. Two native cockroaches, Ectobia lapponica, L., and E. livida, Fabr., have been taken in several localities, but E. parizeri, Steph., has only been noticed once. Two of the less abundant grasshoppers, Stenobothrus lineatus, Panz., and S. elegans, Charp., appear to be fairly widely distributed, as also Gomphocerus rufus^ L., which is far from a common species. Two or three migratory locusts, which are occasional accidental visitors to our shores, are on record. A curious and very pretty little long-horned grasshopper, Xiphidhim dorsale, Latr., is one of the most interesting on the list ; it is a species very locally distributed and nowhere common ; it should be sought for by sweeping among reeds. Finally the well known Mole Cricket [Gryllotalpa gryllotalpd) is only recorded once, and collectors should keep a sharp look-out for so interesting an insect. To two gentlemen, Mr. H. L. F. Guermonprez of Bognor, and the Rev. E. N. Bloomfield of Guestling, we are indebted for most of the localities, and their records are marked respectively by (G) and (B). Where no authority is quoted, the captures are my own or are well known records in the magazines. FORFICULARIA Earwigs Labia minor, L, The Lesser Earwig is fairly common in the early summer. It has been taken in Sussex (B), at Bognor (G), and by Mr. Claude Morley at Brighton and Polegate. Forficula auricularia, L. The Common Earwig is abundant everywhere. Forficula lesnei, Finot. This earwig has been taken in some numbers in different parts of Kent, Surrey, Hampshire, Berkshire and Dorsetshire. In Sussex it has been taken at Selsea (4, vi. 97, G.) and at Pagham (3i,viii. 01, G.), always by sweeping. BLATTODEA Cockroaches Ectobiida. Ectobia lapponica, L. Beaten from trees at Slindon, also Cocking Down and Dane Wood, Eartham (G). E. livida, Fabr. This species occurs in several places in Sussex ; Itchenor, Bognor, Slindon, Eartham, Charlton Forest, Fair Mile, Dane Wood, and Cocking (G) ; Hastings district (B). E. panzeri, Steph. Camber (B).