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INSECTS Xestophanes brevitarsis, Thorns. Similar swellings on the stems of P. tormen- tilla. Guest/ing, Hollington, Hastings Periclistus caninas, Htg. Distorts and en- larges galls of R. eglanteriae. Guestling Diastrophus rubi, Htg. Spindle-shaped poly- thalamous swellings on the stems of Rubi. Guest ling. Fair light, Beauport Park All the following galls are found on the oak :— Andricus glandium, Gir. Forms a number Beauport Forms of galls within the acorn. Park on Turkey oak (Quercus cerris), Hollington on common oak (Q. robur) ostreus, Gir. The oyster gall ; small, breaking out from the ribs of the leaf ; common fecundatrix, Htg. The artichoke gall ; the true gall is hidden in the greatly developed leaf buds ; common

  • pilosus, Adler. Very small, hairy galls

on the catkins globuli, Htg. Green globular bud gall. Guestling, St. Helens inflator, Htg. Gall concealed in the greatly thickened and shortened shoots ; not uncommon radicis, F. Large polythalamous swell- ings on the lower part of the trunk. Hastings, Guestling, etc. trilineatus, Htg. Galls concealed in the twigs ; not common sieboldii, Htg. Gregarious conical galls on the twigs, red when young, brown and striate when old. Bexhill, Guest- ling, Crowhurst, etc. testaceipes, Htg. Small elongate galls on the mid-rib or petiole. Hastings, Hol- lington corticis, Htg. Galls on the thick roots or on the trunk where the bark has been injured. St. Helens, Hollington

  • gemmatus, Adler. A very small and

inconspicuous gall on the adventitious buds

  • collaris, Htg. A small bud gall almost

concealed in the bud scales curvator, Thoms. Irregular bladder-like swellings containing a small gall ; com- mon quadrilineatus, Htg. Longitudinally fur- rowed galls on the catkins. Guestling, Hastings, etc. ; not uncommon cirratus, Adler. Oval galls on the cat- kins with woolly hairs at the apex callidoma, Thoms. A leaf bud gall on a long peduncle. St. Helens, Hollington

  • Not yet observed in the district, but m

123 Andricus albopunctata, Mayr. A bud gall, green spotted with white. Fairlight, Hollington, etc. — glandula?, Schenck. A bud gall some- times like an acorn and cup, at other times truncated. Guestling, St. Helens, Hollington — solitarius, Fonsc. A pointed and spindle- shaped bud gall covered with ferrugi- neous hair. Guestling, St. Helens, etc. Cynips kollari, Htg. The marble gall ; on the twigs ; common ("Trigonaspis megaptera, Pz. Small reddish I galls c galls on the adventitious buds ; not un- I common — renum, Gir. Small kidney-shaped galls on the veins of the leaves ; not uncommon j^Biorhiza terminalis, F. The well known "I oak apple ; common

  • ■ — aptera, F. Small galls on the roots

(Dryophanta folii, Htg. The cherry gall ; on the mid rib of the leaf; common — taschenbergi, Schl. Small oval velvety galls on the adventitious buds. Hol- lington longiventris, Htg. Gall like that of D. folii, but smaller and striped. Guestling, Hastings

  • similis, Adler. Gall very like taschen-

bergi — agama, Htg. Globular leaf galls with large central cavity. Guestling r — divisa, Htg. Galls smooth with small

central cavity. Guestling 
— *verrucosa, Schl. Oval greenish or yel- 

lowish galls — disticha, Htg. Gall like a flattened orange. Guestling, Hollington [Neuroterus lenticularis, Oliv. The common spangle ; very abundant baccarum, L. The currant gall ; on leaves and catkins ; common fumipennis, Htg. Like the common spangle, but smaller ; not uncommon tricolor, Htg. Small and whitish covered with glistening white hairs ; not un- common Isviusculus, Schenck. The smooth spangle ; very common albipes, Schenck. Galls small, indenting the edge of the leaf. Guestling, Hastings — numismatis, Oliv. The silk button gall ; common — vesicatrix, Schl. Gall embedded in the leaf marked with rays from the centre. Guestling, Hastings — aprilinus, Gir. A pea-like bud gall matur- ing very quickly. Battle Great Wood u