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INSECTS Hydrophilid^ (continued) Cymbiodyta ovalis, Thorns. Camber Enochrus bicolor, Gyll. JFinchehea, Rye, Lewes Paracymus nigroaeneus, Sahl. Lewes Anacaena globulus, Payk. — limbata, F. Helochares lividus, Forst. Hastings, Rye, Lewes, Brighton — punctatus, Sharp. Lewes, Newhaven Laccobius sinuatus, Mots. — alutaceus, Thorns. Near IVinchelsea — minutus, L. — bipunctatus, F. Near IVinchelsea Berosus spinosus, Stev. Rare ; Bopeep, Rye, Brighton, Eastbourne, Sea- ford — signaticollis, Charp. Bexhill — luridus, L. Hastings, Brighton — affinis, Brull6. Hastings and Lewes districts Limnebius truncatellus, Thorns. — papposus, Muls. Rare ; Guestliug — nitidus, Marsh. Hastings district, Lewes ; local Chaetarthria seminulum, Herbst Helophorus rugosus, Ol. — nubilus, F. — intermedius, Muls. IVinchelsea, Bar- combe, Brighton — aquaticus, L. var. aequalis. Thorns. — dorsalis, Marsh. Guestling, Lewes, Holm Bush, Brighton — asneipennis, Thorns. — mulsanti, Rye. Bopeep — afBnis, Marsh. — brevipalpis. Bedel. — nanus, Sturm. Rare ; Ore ; Guestling (Butler), Lewes Hydrochus elongatus, Schall. Pett near Hastings — angustatus, Germ. Hastings, Abbots Wood, Laughton IVood Henicocerus exsculptus. Germ. Dallington Forest Octhebius exaratus, Muls. Rye, Cat?iher, Lewes, Brighton — margipallens, Latr. Bognor, Rye, Camber, Brighton — marinus, Payk. Bopeep, Rye, Brigh- ton — pygmaeus, F. Generally distributed — bicolon. Germ. Bopeep, Brighton, Lewes — rufimarginatus, Steph. Rye, Camber, Shoreham — nanus, Steph. IVinchelsea, Ry^y Hastings, Shoreham, Brighton, Lewes Hydrophilid^ (continued) Octhebius punctatus, Steph. Rye, Brighton Hydrana testacea. Curt. Battle, Holm Bush, Brighton — riparia, Kug. Hastings, Brighton, Lewes — nigrita, Germ. Hastings, Holm Bush, Brighton — gracilis. Germ. Dallington Forest (re- corded 1898)* — pulchella. Germ. Ashburnham (re- corded 1898)* Cyclonotum orbiculare, F. Sphaeridium scarabaeoides, F. — bipustulatum. Fab. var. marginatum, F. St. Leonards, scarce ; Lezves, common Cercyon littoralis, Gyll. Camber — depressus, Steph. Newhaven (Morris) — hamorrhous, Gyll. Hastings, not common ; Leives — hasmorrhoidalis, Herbst. Hastings, Brighton, Leives, etc. — obsoletus, Gyll. Hastings, Brighton, Lewes — aquaticus, Muls. Robertsbridge near Hastings — flavipes, F. — lateralis. Marsh. — melanocephalus, L. — unipunctatus, L. — quisquilius, L. — nigriceps. Marsh. Hastings district — pygmaeus. 111. Hastings, Lewes — terrainatus. Marsh. Hastings, not common — analis, Payk. — lugubris, Payk. Guestinig, rare — granarius. Thorns. Megasternum boletophagum, Marsh, Cryptopleurum atomarium, Muls. Staphylinid/e Homoeusa acuminata, Mark. Tilgate Forest, Guestling Aleochara ruficornis, Grav. Rare ; Ship- ley near Horsham — fuse i pes, F. — lata, Grav. — brevipennis, Grav. Battle, Camber, Brighton — tristis, Grav. Hastings, Laughton, Shoreham — bipunctata, Ol. Guestling, Lewes

  • These are the only records from the south of

England, and are interesting as bearing out what I have before said (Brit. Col. i. 251), viz. that as several of these species are found in France they have probably been overlooked by collectors in the south.