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INSECTS Parnid.« (continued) Potaminus substriatus, Mali. Bod/e Street near Ashburnham (Bennett) Parnus prolifericornis, F. Battle, Lewes HETEROCERIDii: Heterocerus rectus, Wat. Camber, some- what doubtful — flexuosus, Steph. Rye, Bhhopstone, Shoreham, Brighton — obsoletus, Curt. Rye — marginatus, F. Hastings — lasvigatus, Panz. Hastings, Fairlight — britannicus, Kuw. (sericans, Brit. Cat.). Rye, Camber, Shoreham LuCANIDiE Lucanus cervus, L. Arundel, Barcombe, Brighton Dorcus parallelopipedus, L. JVinchrhea, Barcombe, Lnues, Brighton Sinodendron cylindricum, L. Lnves, Brighton SCARAB^IDii: Copris lunaris, L. Shoreham ; Lewes, once Onthophagus ovatus, L. Hastings, Cam- ber, scarce ; Lewes, Brighton — coenobita, Herbst. Hastings district, scarce ; Lewes, Brighton — vacca, L. St. Leonards, rare ; Abbots JVood, Laughton — fracticornis, Payk. Hastings and Lewes districts — nuchicornis, L. Hastings, Abbots IVood, Laughton, Lewes Aphodius erraticus, L. Hastings, Brighton and Leives districts — subterraneus, L. Hastings, not com- mon ; Lexves — fossor, L. — hasmorrhoidalis, L. Hastings district, scarce ; Leives, common — foetens, F. Scarce ; Hastings, St. Leon- ards, Southerham near Leives, Brighton — fimetarius, L. — scybalarius, F. Scarce ; Rye, Camber — ater, De G. Hastings district, scarce ; Lnves, common — granarius, L. Hastings, Lewes, and Brighton districts — nitidulus, F. Hastings district, East- bourne; Offham Hill, Lewes; Brighton — sordidus, F. Brighton — rufescens, F. Hastings, Lewes, scarce — putridus, Sturm. Eastbourne — plagiatus, L. Rye, Guestling — lividus, Ol. Lewes — porcus, F. Hastings, Lewes — pusillus, Herbst, Guestling, rare ; Lexves, common — merdarius, F. i/asr/w^j district, scarce ; Brighton and Leives, common ScARAB^iDi?: {continued) Apiiodius tessulatus, Payk. Brighton, Lewes — sticticus, Panz. Abbots JVood, Lewes — consputus, Cr. Rye — punctato-sulcatus, Sturm — prodromus, Brahm — contaminatus, Herbst. Hastings, sca.rce; Lewes — obliteratus, Panz. Amberley, Hastings, Lewes — luridus, F. Peppering, scarce ; Lewes — rufipes, L. Plagiogonus arenarius, Ol. Shipley near Horsham, Abbots JVood, Lewes, East- bourne, Amberley Heptaulacus sus, Herbst. Camber, scarce ; Brighton — testudinarius, F. Lewes — villosus, Gyll. Downs near Lewes Oxyomus porcatus, F. Brighton, Hastings, Lewes jEgialia arenaria, F. Odontasus mobilicornis, F. Very rare ; Hollington, Guestling, Hastings Geotrupes typhasus, L. Hastings, Battle, Seaford, Hayward's Heath — spiniger. Marsh. — stercorarius, L. — mutator. Marsh. Peppering, Leives — vernalis, L. Brighton — sylvaticus, Panz. — pyrenaeus, Charp. Lewes Trox sabulosus, L. Guestling — scaber, L. Hastings, Guestling, Tilgate, Lewes Hoplia philanthus. Fuss. Camber, Hol- lington Homaloplia ruricola, F. 5«jj^x (Stephens), Brighton, downs near Lewes ; scarce Serica brunnea, L. Hastings district, rather common ; Brighton and Lewes, scarce Rhizotrogus solstitialis, L. Melolontha vulgaris, F. [Polyphylla fuUo, F. A specimen of this insect was taken at St. Leonards on 29 July, 1902] Phyllopertha horticola, L. St. Leonards, rare ; Leives, formerly, not seen for some years ; Brighton, common in gardens some years ago.^ Cetonia aurata, L. Hastings district, ' very rare ' ; Lewes and Brighton, common ' This insect appears to be one which only at certain times and under certain conditions be- comes a pest and does a great deal of damage ; the chief instance of such beetles is perhaps the Colo- rado beetle {Dorypkora decem-Uneata). 53 20