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INSECTS CuRCULiONiDit {continued) Coenopsis waltoiii, SchSn. Peppering^ Guestling, Bexhill Strophosomus coryli, F. — capitatus, De G. (obesus, Marsh.) — retusus, Marsh. — faber, Herbst. Guest/Ing, Lewes Exomias araneiformis, Schr. Brachysomus hirtus, Boh. Very rare ; Arundely in moss, February, 1842 (S. Stevens) Sciaphilus muricatiis, F. Tropiphorus carinatus, Miill.* Hastings Liophloeus nubilus, F. Polydrusus tereticollis, De G. (undatus, F.) — pterygomalis. Boh. — flavipes, De G. Hohn Bush, Brighton — cervinus, L. — chrysomela, Ol. Camber ; rare — confluens, Steph. Hastings, Brighton Phyllobius oblongus, L. — calcaratus, F. Peppering, Lciughton — urticas, De G. (aineti, F.) — pyri, L. — argentatus, L. — maculicornis. Germ. Mailing, Lnves — pomona, OI. Fairlight, not common — viridiaeris, Laich (uniformis. Marsh.) Tanymecus palliatus, F. Hastings, Battle, Guestling, Shipley, Abbots Wood Philopedon geminatus, F. Atactogenus exaratus. Marsh. Hastings district Barynotus obscurus, F. Fairlight, Bar- combe, Lewes — elevatus. Marsh. Littlington Alophus triguttatus, F. Sitones cambricus, Steph. Hastings dis- trict ; Pebsham (Morris) — regensteinensis, Herbst — waterhousei, Walt. Fairlight, rare ; Seaford — crinitus, Herbst. Littlington, Leiues — tibiah's, Herbst — hispidulus, F. — humeralis, Steph. — flavescens. Marsh. Peppering, Lewes — puncticollis, Steph. — suturalis, Steph. — lineatus, L. — sulcifrons, Thunb. Gronops lunatus, L. HolUngton, Peppering, Bulverhythe, Bishopstone Hypera punctata, F. — rumicis, L. 1 The record of Tropiphorus mercurialis. Boh., found in the first supplement of the "Natural His- tory of Hastings and St. Leonards, p. 17, is erroneous and must therefore be cancelled. CuRCULIONID^ (continued) Hypera poUux, F.^ Guestling, Rye — alternans,^ Steph. Rye, Winchelsea, Camber — polygoni, L. — variabilis, Herbst — murina, F. Arundel — plantaginis, De G. — trilineata, Marsh. — nigrirostris, F. Rhinocyllus latirostris, Latr. Shipley near Horsham (Gorham) Cieonus sulcirostris, L. Fairlight, New- haven Lixus algirus, L. Rare ; Fairlight near Hastings (Power, S. Stevens, etc.), Shoreham (Stephens), Faygate near Rusper (Gore) Larinus carlinae, Ol. Rye Liosoma ovatulum, Clairv. var. collaris, Rye. Hastings list — oblongulum. Boh. Guestling — troglodytes. Rye. „ Curculio abietis, L. Plinthus caliginosus, F. Hastings district, generally distributed, but rare ; Mailing, Lewes, Barcomhe flood Trachodes hispidus, L. Guestling, St. Leonards Forest (Power) Orchestes quercus, L. — alni, L. var. ferrugineus. Marsh. Guestling, HolUngton — ilicis, F. — avellana, Don. Peppering, Hurst Green, Arundel, Eastbourne — fagi, L. — pratensis, Germ. Battle, Brighton, Abbots IFood — rusci, Herbst — iota, F. (Mr. Jenner's list) — stigma. Germ. Hastings, Abbots IVood, Laughton — salicis, L. Hastings, Abbots Wood, Laughton, Plashet Rhamphus flavicornis, Clairv. Orthocaetes setiger. Beck. Guestling, Leives, Brighton Procas armillatus, F. Very rare ; Brighton (Mr. S. Stevens records one specimen as taken by Mr. Hemming, and Mr. Morris has taken the species once at North Banks, Lewes) Grypidius equiseti, F. Fairlight, Battle, Lewes ^ These two spcaes, Hypera polliix and H.alter- nans, have been taken in cop by Mr. W. H. Bennett at Rye, and by Mr. F. Jennings in the Lee valley, Kent ; it has been doubted before this whether the species are really distinct. 61 21