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A HISTORY OF SUSSEX Trochilium crabroniformis, Lewin. Brighton, Fair/ight, Guestltng, HaywarcTs Heath, Lewes, Tilgate Forest and woods near JVorthing Sclopteron tabaniformis, Rott. A specimen taken in the ^r/^/j/aw Cemetery in 1868 was sold at the sale of the late Mr. S. Stevens' collection in March, 1900 (lot 155), with another specimen for;^l Sesia spheciformis, Gerning. Not uncommon in Tilgate Forest ; Mr. Adkin takes it commonly there — tipuliformis, CI. A not uncommon gar- den insect — vespiformis, Linn, (cynipiformis) Not uncommon in oak woods ; Abbots Wood, Black Brook IVood, Guestling, Hay-ward's Heath, Laughton, Lewes, Tilgate Forest — myopasformis, Bkh. Rare ; Abbots Wood, occasionally in gardens at Lewes among apple — culiciformis, Linn. Not uncommon in woods among birch ; Abbots Wood, Battle, Glynde, Laughton, Lewes, Tilgate Forest. "Mr. Meek and Mr. Tester took it in plenty in Tilgate Forest — formicaeformis, Esp. Rare and very local ; occasionally near Lewes in osier beds — ichneumoniformis, Fb. Local but abun- dant among Anthyllis vulneraria and Lotus corniculatus, especially on the coast and on railway banks ; near Brighton, Lewes (singly), Eastbourne, Hastings on the cliffs, shingle near Shorcham, railway banks in Tilgate Forest — chrysidiformis, Esp. Very rare and local ; Eastbourne, ' one, worn,' G. P. Shear- wood {Ent. 1874, p. 224). Is it pos- sible that this specimen should be re- ferred to S. ichneumoniformis, which occurs not uncommonly on the slopes between Eastbourne and Beachy Head ? — W.H.B.F. ZYGJENIDJE Ino globulariae, Hb. Very local but abundant where it occurs ; Bcvingdean, Holling- bury and Monies Combe near Brighton, Bible Bottom and downs near Lewes — statices, Linn. Very local ; Abbots Wood, downs near Brighton and Lewes, Ear- thani (Edgell), Hayward Heath, Til- gate Forest — geryon, Hb. Abundant in a few localities ; on the downs and in valleys near Brighton and Lewes Naclia ancilla, Linn. A specimen is recorded as captured at JVorthing by Mr. Wild- man in 1867 {Ent. Ann. 1 868, p. 104). Mr. Meyrick remarks of the record that it is ' extremely dubious' {Brit. Lep. p. 23) Zygaena trifolii, Esp. Widely distributed ; downs and wet commons ; Abbots Wood, Battle, Brighton, Chailey, Ditchling Com- mon, downs near Emsworth (in this last locality Mr. Christy took a large num- ber of the yellow' form in 1893 and following years), Eartham, Hayward's Heath, Hurston Warren, Tilgate — lonicera, Scheven. Reported (rom Brigh- ton, Hayward's Heath and Cuckmere district. I have never seen a Sussex specimen (W.H.B.F.) — filipendulae, Linn. Abundant and widely distributed, especially on the coast and downs. The breeding of a specimen of the very rareab.chrysanthemi,^Bork., by Mr. Leslie at St. Leonards is re- corded {E.M.M. i. 143) Sarothripus revayana, Scop. Abbots Wood, Chailey, Brighton, Battle, Guestling, Hayward's Heath, Roost Hole Horsham, Tilgate Forest, W arningcamp Earias chlorana, Linn. Not uncommon in osier beds ; Berwick, Brighton, East- bourne, Heene, Guestling, Isficld, Lewes, Uckfield Hylophila prasinana, Linn. Generally com- mon in oak woods — bicolorana, Fues. Less common than the preceding ; Abbots Wood, Ashdown Forest, Hastings, Guestling, Plashet Wood Nola cucuUatella, Linn. Everywhere com- mon among hawthorn — strigula, SchifF. Abbots Wood, plentiful in some years ; woods near Brighton and Lewes, Battle, Guestling — confusalis, H.S. Widely distributed and not uncommon ; Abbots Wood, Battle, Bognor, Brighton, Fernhurst, Guestling, Hastings, Lewes, Worthing — centonalis, Hb. Very rare ; taken at Hastings in 1891 — albulalis, Hb. Very rare. A single specimen taken in Abbots Wood by Mr. T. Salvage in 1901 is now in Mr. Fletcher's collection Nudaria senex, Hb. Not uncommon in wet places. Henfield Common, Hurston Warren, Lewes (formerly), Shoreham, Tilgate Forest — mundana, Linn. Widely distributed and not uncommon. Brighton, Bognor, Chi- chester, near Emsworth, Guestling, Lewes, Worthing ' I have received specimens of this form from Mr. Christy— H.G. - I took a specimen of the ab. ckrystinthcmi in the New Forest in July, 1900. — H.G.