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A HISTORY OF SUSSEX Anaitis plagiata, Linn. Generally common among St. John's wort Chesias spartiata, Fuesl. Probably not un- common where its food-plant, broom, grows freely ; Brighton, Guestling, Hast- ings, Horsham, Isfield — rufata, Fb. Very local among broom (Cytisus scoparius) and dyer's green- weed (Genista tinctoria) ; Battle, Brigh- ton, Ditchling Common, HaywareTs Heath, Horsham Tanagra atrata, Linn. Very local, but abundant where it does occur ; Abbots Wood, Brighton, Hayward' s Heath, Slaugham PYRALIDES Cledeobia angustalis, Schiff. Locally abun- dant on commons, downs, and on sand- hills and shingles near the coast Aglossa pinguinalis, Linn. Common in stables and similar buildings Pyralis costalis, Fb. Generally distributed and sometimes very abundant — glaucinalis, Linn. Occurs at Bognor, Brigh- ton, Battle, near Ennworth, Hastings, Lewes, Shoreham ; being occasionally taken at ' light ' and at ' sugar ' — - farinalis, Linn. Generally distributed, es- pecially in stables and similar buildings Scoparia ambigualis, Tr. Generally common — basistrigalis, Knaggs. Probably widely distributed especially in beech woods on the chalk ; Henley Hill near Fernhurst (Barrett) ; woods near Arundel and Slindon ; IVolstonhury, not uncommon on beech trunks (Vine) — cembras, Hw. Arundel, Battle, Hastings, Houghton chalk-pit, Lewes, Salvington, on the shingles near Soutlnvick — dubitalis, Hb. Very abundant, especially on the downs and near the coast. In Mr. South's collection were some speci- mens of the form ingratella, Knaggs, from Eastbourne — murana. Curt. Lewes (Jenner) — lineola, Curt. Bognor, Eastbourne, Lewes {Manual, ii. 163) ; Worthing, where the larvae may be found in great abun- dance feeding on lichens growing in old hedges and post and rail fences — frequentella, St. Common and generally distributed — cratasgella, Hb. Sometimes abundant in Arundel Park ; occurs also on Rackham Common — resinea, Hw. Arundel Park, Lewes [Man- ual, ii. 162), Flansham near Bognor; Shore- ham, where it comes freely to 'sugar ' and is often very abundant and variable — truncicolella, St. Very abundant near Amber ley and Storrington, where the larvae and pupae may be found in moss on old thatch Scoparia angustea, Stph. Apparently rather local ; Amberley, Arundel Park, Hastings, Camber Sandhills, Rye, Sompting — pallida, Stph. Locally abundant in damp places, ditch by side of Arun near Ford, Henfield Common, Lewes, coast near Southwick, Shoreham Nomophila noctuella, Schiff. Generally com- mon and in some years very abundant Odontia dentalis, Schiff. Widely distributed along the coast and in some places abundant ; Brighton, Eastbourne, Hast- ings, St. Leonards, Pagham Harbour, Southwick, Shoreham ; formerly common at Copperas Gap near Portslade (H.G.) Pyrausta aurata, Sc. Common and widely distributed on the downs among Ori- ganum vulgare — purpuralis, Linn. Widely distributed and not uncommon among Prunella vulgaris — ostrinalis, Hb. Abbots JVood, Arundel, Brighton, Falmer, Lewes, St. Leonards Hcrbula cespitalis, Schiff. Generally distrib- uted and abundant Ennychia cingulata, Linn. Abundant at Moulescombe Pit near Brighton ; occurs also on downs near Eastbourne and Lewes — nigrata, Sc. Locally common on the downs among Asperula cynanchica ; Arundel Park, Brighton, Cocking, near Emsworth, Lewes, Slindon — funebris, Strom. Very local ; Brighton, Lewes [Manual, ii. 1 40). Sometimes abundant in Abbots Wood ; also recorded from Battle, Guestling, Laughton, Plashet Wood Agrotera nemoralis, Sc. Rare and very local ; formerly common in Abbots Wood (abun- dant in the 'seventies' — H.G.) now very rare there if not extinct ; has occurrred also at Battle, Guestling, and Holm Bush near Henfield (Manual, ii. Endotricha flammealis, Schiff. Common in woods and locally so on the coast ; Abbots Wood, Battle, Bognor, Clymping Common, Eastbourne, near Emsworth, Hastings, Laughton, Plashet Wood, Rack- ham, Slindon Woods, coast near Southwick Eurrhypara urticata, Linn. Everywhere com- mon among nettles Scopula lutealis, Hb. Recorded from Hastings doubtfully, and Lewes, but apparently rare in the eastern division of the county, in the western widely distributed in the chalk district ; Botolphs, Cissbury, Cocking, Salvington, Shoreham