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A HISTORY OF SUSSEX Mimaescoptilus phaeodactyla, Hb. Brighton Downs [Vme) — bipunctidactylus, Hw. Generally distri- buted and common — zophodactyla, Dup. Apparently not com- mon. A specimen taken in Abbots Wood, and capsules of Erythraea centau- rium found in Clapham JVood mined as though by the larva of this species (Fletcher) — pterodactyla, Linn. Abundant among Veronica chamaedrys CEdematophorus lithodactylus, Tr. Locally abundant among Conyza squarrosa and Inula dysenterica ; Goring, Hastings, Lewes Pterophorus monodactylus, Linn. Generally distributed and common Leioptilus tephradactylus, Hb. Locally com- mon among Solidago virgaurea ; Abbots JVood, Battle, Ditchling Common, Hast- ings, Leives — osteodactylus, Z. Abundant in Abbots Wood among Solidago virgaurea — microdactylus, Hb. Abundant in chalk pits near Arundel and Goring among Eupatorium cannabinum ; found also at Hastings, Lewes Aciptilia galactodactyla, Hb. Brighton, Hast- ings (rare) ; common in the Goring, Claphatn and Arundel Woods among Arctium lappa — spilodactyla, Curt. A single specimen bred from a pupa found on Marrubium vulgare on Cissbury several years ago (Fletcher). A large number of bred specimens of the moth from Freslnvater were let loose in another locality in the county a few years back, but it is un- known if they established a colony (id.) — baliodactyla, Z. Bevendean Slopes, Lewes {Manual, ii. 444), abundant in a rough field near Slindon among Origanum vulgare — tetradactyla, Linn. Locally common on the downs; Arundel Pari, Clapham and Lewes Downs — pentadactyla, Linn. Everywhere abun- dant — paludum, Z. In a boggy spot on a heath near Pulborough. The moths fly like gnats over the bog for about an hour before dusk, the first brood sparingly in June and the second brood much more abundantly on still warm evenings early in September. The larvae from the latter hatch in October and seem dis- posed to hibernate in a small state, but the food plant does not appear to be known (Fletcher) Alucita hexadactyla, Linn. Generally com- mon among honeysuckle CRAMBI Chilo phragmitellus, Hb. Apparently very uncommon in the county ; Hastings, very rare ; Lewes [Manual, ii. 186) ; Shoreham, three or four specimens (Vine) — forficellus, Thnb. Hen field Common, Lewes, St. Leonards, Worthing (Manual, ii. 185) — mucronellus, SchifF. One specimen at Shoreham (Vine) ■ — gigantellus, Schiff". Shoreham, not rare (Vine) Platytes cerusellus, SchifF. Very abundant on the downs and on the sandhills and shingles near the coast Crambus alpinellus, Hb. Not uncommon on the Clymping sandhills, flying at dusk in July and August, especially when a thunderstorm is brewing — falsellus, Schiff. Lewes, occasionally ; once found very abundantly over an old thatch. Hastings, rare ; in West Sussex common and generally distributed ; may be bred freely from moss off old walls — verellus, Znk. A very fine male specimen was taken at The Dome, Bognor, by Mr. Alfred Lloyd, F.E.S., in July, 1890 — pratellus, Linn. Common and generally distributed — dumetellus, Hb. Very local ; abundant in a rough meadow in Abbots Wood; a specimen in cabinet labelled Worthing (Fletcher) ; Hastings, rare — hamellus, Thnb. Shoreham, one specimen (Vine) ; near St. Leonards, rare — pascuellus, Linn. Common, especially in wet places ; Arundel Park, Ditchling Common, Fernhurst, Henfield Common, Hastings, Hurston Warren, Lewes, Slin- don — uliginosellus, Z. Abundant on Henfield Co?nmon and Hurston JVarren ; occurs also at Clymping and near Shoreham — pinellus, Linn. Widely distributed, but seems not common ; Ashdoivn Forest, Abbots Wood, Battle, Hastings, Lewes, Plashet Wood, Slindon, Tilgate Forest — latistrius. Abbots Wood, common in the ridings (Vine) ; a single specimen on a heath near Storrington (Fletcher) — perlellus, Sc. Widely distributed and common — selasellus, Hb. Locally abundant ; Hast- ings ; grassy places near the coast, Lancing ; banks of the Arun below Ford — tristellus, Fb. Generally common