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A HISTORY OF SUSSEX Tortrix rosana, Linn. Common and generally distributed — dumetana, Tr. Local but probably widely distributed on the downs ; Bram- ber, Charmandean^ Eastbourne . The full- grown larvas may be found freely at the end of June and beginning of July feeding on the leaves of Knautia arvensis, Centaurea nigra and scabiosa, and of Malva sylvestris — cinnamomeana, Tr. Common in Ash- down Forest near fir plantations ; occurs also in Bell Hanger, Fernhurst and in Tilgate Forest — ■ heparana, SchifF. ' — ribeana, Hb. I Common and gener- — corylana, Fb. j ally distributed • — unifasciana, Dup. j — costana, Fb. Brighton, Lewes, Hastings, North Mimdham. At the latter place the moth occurs along the Portsmouth and Arun canal, the form being the typical one which occurs in the fens, and not the pale salt-marsh one which is found on the coast of Hayling and the Isle of iright ; occurs also at Shoreham — viburnana, Fb. Ashdown Forest, Grit- ham Common — palleana, Hb. Common in Ashdown Forest and reported from Hastings viridana, Linn. 1 ^ , ■imon and very distributed a, Linn. ^ ^ T . Common ana, Lmn. . , , «, Fb. j ^"^^^y — mmistrana, — fosterana, Dlchelia grotiana, Fb, Abundant in Abbots Wood ; somewhat rare at Guestling ; occurs at Henley Hill near Midhurst and in the Rewel JVood, Arundel Leptogramma literana, Linn. Abbots JVood, Dallington, Fernhurst, Guestling, Lewes Peronea sponsana, Fb. Generally abundant among beech and in Abbots JVood among hornbeam — mixtana, Hb. Chailey Common, Fern- hurst, Hastings, Lewes, Linchmere, Til- gate Forest, and probably on all the large heaths — schalleriana, Fb. Generally distributed ; the var. latifasciana, Hw., occurs in Abbots JJ^ood — comparana, Hb. Abundant in Abbots JVood, and occurs also at Fernhurst, HoUington and Uckfield — permutana, Dup. Eastbourne dov/nshtfwtsn Brighton and Lewes ; believed also to occur on those near Clapham — variegana, SchifF. Everywhere common — cristana, Fb. Arundel Park, where the larvae feed on the flowers and young fruits of Pyrus aria, and doubtless also on those of the hawthorn there and in many other places on the downs. It is reported also from Fairlight (rare), Lewes and Uckfield Peronea hastiana, Linn. Widely distributed among sallows ; Abbots JJ^ood, Fernhurst, Guestling, Shoreham, Uckfield — umbrana, Hb. Lewes, very rare — ferrugana, Tr. Abbots JVood, Fernhurst, Guestling ; Reivel JVood, Arundel ; pro- bably abundant in all woodlands among birch — caledoniana,Stph. A specimen ( c? ) taken at Cinderbank, Tilgate Forest, in August, 1 891 (Fletcher). Possibly the larva may feed on Potentilla tormentilla, but see E.M.M. xxii. 112 logiana, SchifF. Abundant near Berwick, Clapham, Guestling, Lewes, Steyning, and probably generally so in hedgerows on the chalk among Viburnum lantana — aspersana, Hb. Very abundant, especially on the chalk, the larvae feeding on Helianthemum vulgare, Potentilla tor- mentilla, Comarum palustre. Spiraea filipendula, Poterium sanguisorba and Helianthemum vulgare Rhacodia emargana, Fb. Abbots JVood, Bal- combe. Battle, Fernhurst, Guestling, Rack- ham, JVarningcamp Teras contaminana, Hb. Everywhere com- mon Dictyopteryx loefiingiana, Linn. Abundant in woods ; Abbots JVood, Fernhurst, Guest- ling, Lewes ; Rewel JVood, Arundel — holmiana, Linn. 1a. . . j , '. J . Abundant and — bergmanniana, Lmn. l ■ j 1 j- ^ ° , T • f widely dis- — rorskaleana, Linn. | ^ 1 / j . ' T-L I tributed Argyrotoxa conwayana, i" b. -' Ptycholoma lecheana, Linn. Abundant in Abbots JV^ood ; occurs also at Binsted, Fernhurst, Guestling, JVorthing Ditula scriptana, Hb. Clapham, Guestling ; rare — semifasciana, Hw. Not rare in Abbots JJ-^ood, and occurs also in the Rewel JVood, Arundel Penthina corticana, Hb. Abbots JVood, Bell JVoods, Fernhurst, GuestHng,Tilgate Forest — betulaetana, Hw. Abundant in Tilgate Forest, and occurs in woods near Slindon, Guestling — capraeana, Hb. Abbots JVood, Chailey, Lewes, Hastings, Tilgate Forest — sororculana, Zett. Common in Abbots JJ'ood (Vine). A specimen from Slin- don is in Mr. Guermonprez's collection — pruniana, Hb. Everywhere common — ochroleucana, Hb. Not uncommon at JVorthing, Guestling — variegana, Hb. Everywhere abundant 194