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INSECTS Ephippiphora pflugiana, Hw. Widely distii- buted and abundant, the larvae feeding in stems of thistles ; Abbots JVood^ Ciss- bury. Fern/mist, Tilgcite Forest -- luctuosana, Dup. Apparently less abun- dant than the preceding, the larvse feeding in stems of Centaurea scabiosa ; canal bank between Barnham and Chi- chester, railway bank between Po legate and Hallsham, Pagham — brunnichiana, Frol. Locally abundant among coltsfoot ; Brighton, Eastbourne, Lewes, Steyntng — inopiana, Hw. Abundant in and near Goring JP^oods, and doubtless in many other places in the county among Inula dysenterica — foenella, Linn. Locally abundant at Broadwater and Laming among Arte- misia vulgaris — nigricostana, Hw. Not uncommon among Stachys sylvatica ; Abbots IVood, Bram- ber. High Down near Goring — signatana, Dgl. Very local ; Abbots (Food, Leaves — trigeminana, Stph. High Down near Goring, Hastings, Lewes, Tilgate Forest — tetragonana, Stph. Abbots Wood, where it may be found flying freely among Rosa arvensis at the end of July and beginning of August ; occurs also at Guestling and in Tilgate Forest — populana, Fb. Abbots Wood, Fernhurst, Uckfield — gallicolana, Z. Guestling, Tilgate Forest Olindia ulmana, Hb. Generally distributed in the Fernhurst district (Barrett), Ore, Tilgate Forest not common (Vine) Semasia spiniana, Dup. Abbots IVood, Bury Down, Hassocks — janthinana, Dup. Arundel Park, Broad- water, Burgess Hill, Hastings — gallicana, Gn. Generally common near the coast among Daucus carota; on the downs near Shoreham the larvas feed on Pastinaca sativa, and on Slindon Common on Silaus pratensis — woeberiana, SchifF. Worthing, and doubt- less elsewhere among old fruit trees Coccyx cosmophorana, Tr. Rewel JVood ; the moths may be reared from the fallen cones of spruce collected in early spring — scopariana, H.S. Ditchling Common among Genista tinctoria — strobilella, Linn. Rewel Wood, the larvae feeding in fallen cones of spruce — splendidulana, Gn. Fernhurst, Guestling, Goring Woods, Offington ; probably generally common in oak woods Coccyx argyrana, Hb. Goring IVoods, Guestling — tedella, Clerck. Generally very abundant among spruce firs — distinctana, Hcin. One specimen taken in St. Leonards Forest 7 June, 1 8 90 (Fletcher) — nanana, Tr. Reivel Wood and Tilgate Forest, abundant among spruce Heusimene fimbriana, Hw. Abbots Wood, Hastings Retinia buoliana, Schiff. Common among Scotch fir ; Blachington, Fairlight, Pres- ton, Slindon Common — pinicolana, Dbld. Hastings, Tilgate Forest, Uckfield — turionana, Hb. Very abundant on Slin- don Common, Uckfield — pinivorana, Z. Bexhill, Slindon Common, Uckfield Carpocapsa splendidana, Hb. Ablwts IVood, Guestling, Rewel Wood, Worthing — grossana, Hw. Arundel Park, Bognor ; Fainter JVoods, abundant ; Hastings — pomonella, Linn. Everywhere abundant among apples — funebrana, Tr. Bognor among damson trees (Fletcher) ; Mr. Vine has bred the moths from plums supposed to have been grown in Sussex ; Guestling Endopisa nigricana, Stph. Generally distri- buted and not uncommon Stigononota obscurana, Stph. Rare and local ; Tilgate Forest — perlepidana, Hw. Abbots Wood, abundant ; Tilgate Forest — pal lifron tana, Z. Abundant near Bury ; flies at the beginning of July in the sunshine from 2-4 p.m. along hedge- rows in which Astragalus glycyphyllos grows — compositella, Fb. Common among clover on the downs and in meadows — nitidana, Fb. Abbots Wood, Fernhurst, Guestling, St. Leonards Forest; among oak — flexana, Z. In beach woods ; Falmer, Guestling, Houghton Forest — regiana, Z. Sometimes very common among sycamores even in towns ; the larvee and pupae may be found freely under the loose hark on the trunks ; Bognor, Hastings, Lewes, Worthing — roseticolana, Z. Not uncommon among wild roses ; Abbots Wood, Lancing, Thorney Island — germarana, Hb. Abbots Wood, Fernhurst, Hastings, Lewes Dichrorampha alpinana, Tr. Locally abun- dant among yarrow ; Eastbourne, Ford, Guestling, between Lancing 3.n6. Worthing [97