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INSECTS Teleia proximella, Hb. Abbots Wood, Guest- ling, St. Leonards Forest — notatella, Hb. Hastings — vulgella, Hb. Jbbots Wood, Worthing — luculella, Hb. Abundant in Jbbots Wood, Hastings — scriptella, Hb. Arlington, common in lanes and roadside hedges ; Hastings — fugitivella, Linn. Arundel; Bognor, very abundant among elms ; Brighton, Fair- light — sequax, Hw. Arundel Park and Brighton Doivns, abundant among Helianthe- mum vulgare — dodecella, Linn. Brighton, Broadwater, Guestling, JVohtonhury — triparella, Z. Abbots Wood, abundant among oak ; Guestling Recurvaria nanella, Kb. Brighton (Vine) Pcecilia gemmella, Linn. Abbots JVood, some- times very abundant ; Reiuel Wood — albiceps, Z. IVorthing Argyritis tarquiniella, Stt. Clymping Com- mon, apparently scarce Nannodia stipella, Hb. Worthing Apodia bifractella, Dgl. Arlington, Ditchlin^ Common, Guestling, Rewel JVood ; abim- dant among Conyza squarrosa and Inula dysenterica Ptocheuusa inopella, Z. Guestling, Goring Woods, Slindon ; abundant among Inula dysenterica — subocellea, Stpli. Down near Bramber among Origanum Ergatis brizella, Tr. Very abundant on the shingles near Shoreham among Statice armeria, Pett — ericinella, Dup. Fernhurst, Hurston War- ren, Tilgate Forest Doryophora suffusella, Dgl. A form similar to that occurring in Dorsetshire and smaller than the fen form is abundant in June on Hurston Warren — lutulentella, Z. Not uncommon on Ditchling Common in June and July Monochroa tenebrella, Hb. Bognor, East- bourne, Fernhurst, Slindon Common, Shoreham Shingles ; probably very widely distributed among Rumex acetosa and acetosella — unicolorella, Dup. Not uncommon in rides in Abbots Wood and in a chalk pit near Steyning in June and July Lamprotes atrella, Hw. Abbots Wood, Ciss- hury, Clapham Woods, Ditchling Common, Eastbourne, Guestling, Slindon Common ; among St. John's wort Anacampsis albipalpella, H.S. Abundant on Ditchling Common among Genista tinc- toria Anacampsis vinella, Bnks. Ditchling Co among Genista tinctoria — ligulella, Z. Local, not common ; Guestling, Goring JVood, I (?, a few on a rough meadow near Ditchling Common (Fletcher) — vorticella, Sc. Much more abundant than the preceding ; Abbots JVood, bred from Lotus major ; Ditchling Common among Lotus corniculatus, Hurston JVarren, JViggonholt — taeniolella, Z. Abbots JVood, Brighton Downs, Ditchling Common, Hurston JVarren, downs and shingles near JJ^orthing ; very abundant — anthyllidella, Hb. Fairlight, very abun- dant on shingles near Shoreham and on the downs round JVorthing Acanthophila alacella, Dup. Rewel JVood near Arundel Tachyptilia populella, CI. Clapham, Fern- hurst, Guestling, Heene, Rewel JVood Brachycrossata cinerella, CI. Arundel Park, abundant ; Cissbury Ceratophora rufescens. Guestling, Goring, JVorthing Cladodes gerronella, Z. Brighton Downs, Broadwater, Fernhurst, Hastings, Hur- ston JVarren, Henfield Common, Rewel JVood, JVorthing Parasia lappella, Linn. Abundant near Shore- ham among Arctium lappa — metzneriella, Stt. Abbots JVood where a small form occurs feeding in the larval state in the heads of Serratula tinctoria ; Brighton, Ditchling Common, High Down — carlinella, Stt. Abbots JJ^ood, where a small form occurs feeding in fruits of Solidago virgaurea ; abundant on the downs near Lewes and Shoreham among Carlina vulgaris, Pett — neuropterella, Z. Downs near Lewes ; the larvse may be collected abundantly about the middle of October in the heads of Carduus acaulis and much more sparingly in those of Centaurea nigra Cleodora cytisella. Curt. Abbots JVood, Ditch- ling Common, Hastings, Rewel JVood near Arundel ; bred by Mr. Connold from larvae feeding on the pinnules of bra;cken — striatella, Hb. Extremely scarce ; Brighton {Manual, ii. 349) Chelaria hUbnerella, Don. Widely distributed among birch in woods, Abbots Wood, Fernhurst, Hastings, Poling, Rackham, Rewel JVood Anarsia spartiella, Schrk. Downs near Bram- ber, Hastings, Clymping