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A HISTORY OF SUSSEX Coleophora wockeella, Z. Abbots JVood; abundant among Stachys betonica in a rough meadow ; Guestling, very rare — ochrea, Hw. Arundel Park, among Heli- anthemum — - salicornije, Hein-Wck. Abundant among Salicornia on the mudlands between Shoreham and JVorthlng ; Pett — • lixella, Z. Not uncommon on the downs near JVorthing, Arundel Park, Cissbury, Clapham Down, High Down, shingles near Shoreham — vibicella, Hb. Ditchling Common among Genista tinctoria — pyrrhulipennella, Z. Brighton Doivns, Cbailey, Hurston IVarren, Leechpool, Pett — albicosta, Hw. Widely distributed among gorse — anatipennella, Hb. Guestling, Hurston IFarren, Portslade — palliatella, Zk. Abbots Wood, Guestling, Hurston IVarren ; not abundant — ardeaspennella, Scott. Burgess Hill — • currucipennella, Z. Abbots Wood, Ciss- bury, Guestling — niveicostella, Z. Arundel Park, Clapham Down, High Doivn ; among wild thyme — discordella, Z. Generally abundant among Lotus — • genista;, Stt. Ditchling Common ; abun- dant among Genista anglica — bilineatella, Z. Ditchling Common ; abun- dant among Genista tinctoria ; has also occurred at North Mundham — onosmella, Brahm. Pett ; abundant among Echium near Shoreham — conyzas, Z. Brickpits near Ditchling Common on Inula (Griffith) — nutantella, Mhlg. Abundant near Steyn- ing among Silene inflata — • therinella, Tgstr. Cisshury, downs near Bramber ; not uncommon — troglodytella, Dup. Goring, downs be- tween Bramber and Shoreham ; Pett — lineola, Hw. Brighton Downs, Guestling, Pett; abundant round Worthing among Ballota nigra and Stachys sylvatica — murinipennella, Dup. Widely distributed and generally abundant in grassy places among Luzula campestris ; Abbots Wood, Bognor, Clapham Wood, High Down, Tortington, etc. [ — sylvaticella, Wood. GuestHng{}) ; Mr. Bloomfield took larva; early in the year on Luzula sylvatica — alticolella, Z. Widely distributed and abundant in damp places among Juncus articulatus, and its sub-species ; Arundel Park, Berwick, Henfield Common, Hur- ston IVarreti, Lancing, Mundham Coleophora glaucicolella,Wood. Shoreham^^nA doubtless in many other localities among Juncus glaucus, articulatus, etc. — casspititiella, Z. Everywhere abundant among Juncus communis, etc. This species and the preceding are often mingled in collections — adjunctella, Hodgk. Very abundant in the salt marshes between Shoreham and Worthing, and doubtless elsewhere along the coast among Juncus com- pressus — laripennella, Zett. Generally abundant on the downs, shingles and on dry waste land among Atriplex andChenopodium — masniacella, Stt. Very abundant near Shoreham among Atriplex portulacoides and doubtless occurs wherever the plant is abundant — flavaginella, Z. Abundant on the coast at Lancing among Suaeda maritima — salinella, Stt. Local, but abundant near Shoreham among Atriplex portulacoides — apicella, Stt. Widely distributed and abundant among Stellaria graminea — argentula, Z. Generally abundant among Achillea millefolium — tripoliella, Hdgk. Abundant among Aster tripolium near Ford, Rye and Shoreham — virgaurea, Stt. Abbots Wood, Balcombe, Fay gate, Fernhurst, Guestling, North Amhersham, Rewel Wood ■ — juncicolella, Stt. Falmer Downs, not rare among Calluna vulgaris ; Pett — laricella, Hb. Tilgate Forest ; probably generally abundant among larch — albitarsella, Z. Durrington, Pett, Somp- ting ; among Glechoma hederacea — nigricella, Stph. Generally abundant among apple, hawthorn, pear and white- beam — fuscedinella, Z. Generally abundant among alder, birch and elm — orbitella, Z. Abbots JVood, the larvae common on birch in the autumn (Vine) — gryphipennella, Bouch^. Abundant among wild roses — siccifolia, Stt. Arundel — bicolorella, Stt. Goring Woods, Pagham ; locally abundant among nut on which the larva feeds. A larva with a similar case to that of the nut-feeder occurs on birch on Hurston Warren and in Til- gate Forest and may be of the same species {Conf. Ent. Ann. i86i,p. 89, and Trans. Ent. Soc. Land, new ser. v. 410) 206